Book Two-Chapter three: Masked illusion

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It was two months before the boys got a letter from their father inviting them to be a part of a masked ball, just like Taki had predicted. All of them had prepared themselves for what would happen and even got Yui to be presentable so she wouldn't be a laughing stalk...well at least for the most part. Knowing the date of the masked ball they all knew just how long it'd take before they'd be able to see the woman they all fell in love with over the years.

As it came to the day of the ball the boys got to a rather large building and saw that there were a lot of important people there dressed up without their masks on. All of them knew just who they were looking for and had to keep a sharp eye out for said person. What they didn't know was the moment they had gotten into the ball room there was a pair of eyes that were looking straight at them.

To test how well they took the letter the young female with her mask on tapped on Kanato's shoulder. Kanato turned to her and took in her appearance before he grinned at her. "Did you wish to dance miss?"

She nodded her head as she held her hand out to him. He held it before he took her to dance floor where other couples were dancing. He kept an eye on her movements and where her eyes were. Seeing that they never left his made him wonder who the woman was, he knew that Taki never liked looking him in the eyes when they danced, unless she was trying to trick him. After the song was over with she gave him a bow as a thank you before she walked off. Kanato tilted his head in confusion before he went over to his brothers.

"I think...I think that was just Taki but I'm not sure." Kanato said lowly

Hearing Kanato's words Ayato wanted to see for himself, he went up to the female as she was just walking around. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "May I dance with you miss?"

She gave him a light nod of her head before they danced the next song that played. Ayato never had the pleasure of dancing with Taki before, but he knew her hands like the back of his own. He could just tell who he was dancing with and smirked down at her. "Found you Taki." He whispered to her

Taki didn't expect Ayato to find her so soon and placed a finger on his lips shaking her head. She didn't lose her cool at all, instead she kept playing her game. She wanted to see how long it'd take the others before they would take her somewhere else to talk to her. After the song she bowed to thank him before she walked off once more. Ayato's green eyes were locked on where she was before he went to his brothers.

"That's her alright, she may be denying it."

Laito thought for a moment. "Let's see if we can get her out into the balcony."

"I can do that, the rest of you wait for me there." Reiji said seriously

"Don't fuck it up! We can't lose her to someone else." Subaru said annoyed

"I won't mess it up. I can be a lot more polite then most of you." Reiji said before he went up to Taki.

Taki tilted her head to the side as Reiji gave her a toothy grin. "Ma'am, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

Taki nodded her head with a small smile. Reiji had been the one who taught her how to dance so knowing that she was going to be dancing with him made her feel unease but she couldn't deny him. She promised herself that she would stay true to her plan to mess with all of the boys.

After their dance Reiji pulled her into the balcony where the others were waiting-masks off. Reiji took his off before he looked her in the eyes. "You may think you have us fooled Taki but you don't. You were a fool to have picked Kanato to dance with first."

Taki took her mask off as she looked confused. "Who is Taki? My name is Lidia."

They all looked to her confused. "You looked just like Taki. A woman we knew."

"Oh...You're looking for my twin sister. I don't know where she is." Taki said shaking her head

"Twin sister. She said she had a family but not what was in her family. So you're saying that your sister is still in there somewhere?" Subaru asked

She nodded her head. "Mhm, I'm sorry. But I can't help you, my big sister told me about the lot of you and I was to help her with something but nothing much beyond that...Also um...You guys aren't the only family of vampires that are here. Apparently there are five other vampires that are here if they find her before you boys do...Well. She told me that she'd have one of them treat her so bad that she'd kill herself. I don't want to lose my sister that I just found out that I have. Please...You have to find her!"

Hearing the words from the female they all thanked her and went past her the last one who did was Ayato and he looked her in the eyes. "Don't worry your sister isn't going to kill herself. I refuse to let that girl go now. Not after all the shit we've gone through together."

"Please find her..."

He nodded his head before he left her there. She then grinned as she looked back at the ball. "Thank you Shin for this idea, oh this is going better than I thought it would." She muttered before she went back in with her mask.

She then went to change her dress, mask and her hair style. Her dress went from being a frilly red and black dress to a fancy black and purple dress, her pigtails were down and curled. She then got a different mask before she walked out of the bathroom. She knew where all of the vampires were, she went to find Ruki. She danced with him before Kou, Yuma and Azusa all wanted to dance with her. As it came to the last dance Taki found herself in the arms of the last vampire someone she made sure was invited.

By the time that they had to take their masks off she took hers off as she found herself looking at someone she knew would make her plan work.

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