Book Two-Chapter Ten: Welcome home?

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When Shin found out that his little sister was finally back home he was excited, he was finally going to do something about the fact that he and his brother were the last male founders. But when he went to sniff out his little sister what he saw made his mood drop completely and began to question his elder brother.

Taki had been stripped of all of her clothes her body had been marked up with wounds while her arms were sagging above her head and a chain kept her from leaning back that was attached to a collar that was placed around her neck. He was more than confused on why his elder brother would do such a thing to their little sister.

He went to unlock the door, as the lock opened so did her eyes. He could see that she was tired and depressed, he didn't even want to know what their brother placed her through. He took the collar off of her before kissing her neck softly. "Sister...why are you like this?" He said softly to her

"Carla...he...he got impatient. He...He went into the half breed home and he went to get me himself. He...he was pissed that I had gotten with one of the half breeds. One of them truly loves me and shows it. Brother hated it and punished me by raping me more times than I can count before he abused the hell out of my body. H-How long has it been? W-What day is it Shin?"

He sighed as he heard her speak, he unlocked her hands before he kissed her wrists. "It's Saturday, what day was it when you last saw the man who caught your heart?"

"Monday...I-It's been so long since I've seen him...I...I miss him brother." Taki said as she began to sob out.

Shin hated seeing his sister cry, sure he wanted to make sure that the founders never became a thing of the past, but to treat their sister who they both agreed to see as an equal like she's a worthless piece of shit wasn't what they agreed on. He helped her get dress before he kissed the top of her head.

"You'll see him again just you wait. Hold on to me sister." Shin stated

She did as he asked as best as she could before he took her out of the chamber she was in. He took her to the half breeds out, he took her inside only not to smell anyone there.

"Looks like they're all out." Shin stated

"Probably at beloveds room is up the steps to the left."

Shin went with the directions and placed her on the bed before kissing the top of her head. "We made an agreement with you. I will talk with him about what he had done to you. Rest well and you'll see him soon. Take good care of yourself from here on out, don't go anywhere without him. Who knows what brother will do once he knows what I've done."

Taki nodded her head. "Thank you Shin, I'll be sure to ensure your safety if my beloved gets irate."

"Good. Now rest." Shin said before he left out.

Taki lied down on the bed and hugged Kou's pillow. "Kou...where are you when I really need you." She said sadly

Little to her knowledge a few minutes after Shin left the boys came back home. Yuma and Kou were arguing about why Taki had disappeared. Kou had yelled at Yuma for disbelieving him only stop mid threat to see the young white haired female on his bed looking worse for ware. He rushed to her as she opened her golden eyes.


"Taki! Thank goodness you're alright!" Kou said happily as he went up to her before he hugged her, embracing her into his arms.

Feeling his arms around her, her eyes shut as she broke down crying. Kou rubbed her back as he waited for her to speak once more, as she sobbed out Yuma went into Kou's room.

"...finish your damn threat you punk!..oh. Told you she'd be back! See what the fuck I know! No one kidnapped her!" Yuma said annoyed

Kou glared at Yuma. "That's what you know! If she wasn't kidnapped she wouldn't be in tears right now! She wouldn't be beat to shit either! Explain those things to me! Taki isn't one to be emotional!"

Yuma couldn't explain what was happening to the woman who he had grew up with. With that he just leaned against the wall waiting to see what was wrong with Taki. Even while he grew up with Taki she never cried.

"Kou...Kou my eldest brother kidnapped me and took me from you. He...He was so mean and horrible to me. Just because I told him that someone actually loved me. He hated the fact that someone did. I wouldn't ever give him your name which is why I was hurt so bad. Kou...He..." Taki said through her tears

Kou didn't look the slightest bit amused, he held onto her hand tightly. "Calm yourself beautiful, I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to force yourself to say anything right now."

She nodded her head before she lied her head against his chest with her eyes shut. "My brother raped me so many times, I feel so weak from not eating. He refuse to treat me well, he told me until I gave him your name that he wouldn't give me any type of freedom. It wasn't until my other brother came home that he realized what our elder brother was doing to me. He helped me out with getting dressed and being here. I...I don't want to see my eldest brother ever again."

"You won't have to, but I will let Ruki know that you're back and what happened to you beautiful. For now just rest and we'll talk more when you don't look like utter shit." Kou stated honestly

She held onto him tightly as she moved herself closer to him. "Stay with me...please Kou. I don't want to be alone."

"Of course." Kou said before he looked to Yuma who nodded his head and made his way out to where Ruki was.

Kou stayed with his girlfriend holding her as she slept safely in his arms, he vowed while she slept to make sure that she never dealt with such pain anymore. He hated knowing that his beloved had gone through so much pain. He wanted to so badly go and find her but Ruki told him that she'd come back on her own. If he had gone to get her she wouldn't be in so much pain or be so damn afraid. She wouldn't look so fragile in his arms, she wouldn't be holding on to him as if she was afraid he'd leave her.

"Don't worry Ti-ti...I'm not going anywhere."

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