Book Two-Chapter thirteen: Will you?

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It was fairly peaceful without the Sakamaki's in the way, Karlheins came by to talk to the Mukami brother's and Taki about what had happened only for him to piss off the young founder woman. He knew what she was and didn't help her sooner like he had to the boys who she lived with, for that she personally killed the male, which took a lot within her since she never once ever fought anyone before.

She was a quick learner though-she was able to use the knife she took from Subaru to kill the man who tainted not only his own sons lives but the lives of four human males who just wished for a better life. She was going to make their lives better and the only way she knew how was by killing the man who started it all. Kou took the power that was once Karlhiens for himself and he looked to Taki.

"Looks like we're going to have to tell people about this huh?" Kou asked with a grin

She nodded her head as Ruki and Yuma looked at them confused. "Just what is going on here? How are you not scared shitless that she just killed him in front of us?!" Yuma asked

Kou pulled Taki into him with a toothy grin. "There's a lot about my girl you have yet to know about that I know about."

"You two..." Ruki said before he sighed out. "Just what has been going on with the two of you?"

"I killed the sakamaki's as he killed my blood brothers. There's nothing more you need to know." Taki said as she lied her head against Kou's chest

Kou grinned as he looked down at Taki. "I'm more than happy to have Taki be at my side, if it wasn't for the Sakamaki's being so damn stupid this wouldn't have happened."

Taki nodded her head as she looked up at Kou. "We have to go Kou, or they'll be pissy at us again."

"Yeah that's true." Kou said before he looked to Ruki. "We're going on tour again, don't wait up for us."

He then left out with Taki, as they were on tour together they got closer together and took risks to be sexual with one another. Kou was just waiting for the right time to propose to her but he didn't know how to without it being cheesy. So instead he chose to surprise her with it, he was going to go into her dressing room to surprise her only to hear her talking with her manager.

" going to treat me like a doll if he knew! I'm not some fragile girl! He should know this but I know that's how he'll treat me!"

"You can't seriously think he would, he sees you in a better light than that. Just tell him the truth, you two seem to be pretty truthful to one another."

"....I...I guess I can tell him the same time I'll let our fans know."

Kou's eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything as he waited for the two of them to perform before he would propose to her. The two of them performed like usual until there was their five minute break where they would talk to their fans.

"So I have an announcement to make to everyone." Kou said before Taki could speak

Taki looked to him curiously but said nothing as she heard the audience quiet down.

"As you all know, this cutie has been my girl for the last year and a half now." Kou said as he wrapped his arm around Taki pulling her closer to him

Taki blushed as she looked up at him only for him to grin down at her. "She's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her more than anything else in this world. So...because of this proficiency making it hard on the two of us." Kou started before he parted from her side and went down on one knee.

Taki knew where this was going and looked to him in utter shock. "Kou?"

"Taki, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. Will you be my one and only for now and ever?" Kou asked as he looked up to her sincerely

Taki teared up as she covered her mouth, she wasn't expecting him to propose to her out in front of everyone. With the emotions she went through it was just too much for her, but it made what she had to tell him all that more better. She nodded her head not caring about the silver ring that was in the box he held in front of her.

"Yes! Of course I will Kou!" She said happily before she tackled him into a rather tight hug before kissing him on the lips.

Kou happily kissed her back as he slipped the ring onto her left ring finger. "Isn't there something you want to tell me?" He whispered to her

Taki felt a stressful weight go over her, she wondered if he knew and only played it off as if he didn't know. But she nodded her head regardless. "T-There is."

The two of them got off of the stage floor before Taki got her mic from the ground. "Now that Kou is done surprising not only all of you but me as well, I have my own surprise to tell all of you."

Taki took a deep breath before she looked to Kou. "Kou...I really hope what you just did was because of you loving me for me not because of something else...Cause I'm pregnant with your child right now."

Kou's eyes widen in shock, he had an assumption that she was pregnant but he didn't want to make any accusations towards it. Kou hugged her and spun her a few times happily as he kissed her on the lips. "That's wonderful!" He said happily

Taki was more than relieved to hear that he was ecstatic about the entire situation, she felt the pressure and stress come off of her as he accepted her state. She could hear a bunch of shouting and screaming from the audience but ignored it as Kou was smothering her with love.

"As long as you don't over do yourself I'm fine with you still performing." He whispered to her.

Her eyes lit up as she nodded her head.

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