Book One-Chapter Ten: Where it ends

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By the time that it became the summertime it was their break and Taki was done trying to comprehend some of the things that have happened within the last half year. She didn't know where the time had went but what she did know was that her heart was divided and torn to pieces. She had made herself unreachable to any of the males that she knew would want her for themselves.

She needed time to think her problems through, she had to figure out what she truly wanted in life. Whether it was something from one of the Sakamaki brothers or one of the Mukami brothers. She knew damn well she would refuse Shin and Carla. Both of them had given her no good reason to stay with either one of them.

So she thought, and thought well about what she was going through. What would be the best coarse of action for her, what would do her more good than not? She thought about the problems she's had within the half year and knew damn well that she was more confused than she had been previously. She knew that Shu loved her, she knew that Kanato felt something for her as well as Ayato and Subaru. Laito and Reiji were a bit iffy, even though she enjoyed being around all six of the Sakamaki brothers she had no idea if she could truly be with one of them without Kino wanting to kill them like he had done to their father.

Just thinking about such a thing made her feel afraid of choosing who to go to. She sighed out as she thought about the Mukami brothers, even though they were only half breeds they still had compassion within them that she rarely ever got from the Sakamaki brothers. Especially when she was around Ruki and Yuma, they seemed to really take a liking to her. She refused to be around Kuo when he would constantly call her a nickname she refused to have herself be called and Azusa creeped her out. She hated the constant ways he would hurt himself and ask her to hurt him as well.

She turned into a bat as she heard the door to the room she was in open. She hid herself only to hear Ruki, Yuma, Shu and Ayato speaking with one another.

"Where could she have gone? It's not like her to rush off on her own like this." Yuma said annoyed

"She has gone through a lot, no doubt she's confused. We all need to give her space and time." Ayato said seriously. "Anyways, knowing her she'll show herself when she wants to be seen."

Taki was happy that Ayato knew so much about her.

"Its best to just let her do what she wishes for now, forcing ourselves on her will only make her want to rush off again." Shu said calmly

Taki's eyes closed as she heard Shu speak. She was so happy those boys knew how to handle her. She'd lived with them for so long, knowing that she could trust them to say such words about her made her really happy.

"Oh look there's a bat here!" She heard Kanato said happily.

She opened her eyes only to see Kanato in front of her. He grabbed her gently and held her close to his chest. Shu and Yuma looked to her curiously.

"Are you sure that's a normal bat Kanato?" Shu asked

Kanato looked confused. "Yeah I'm sure, why would you ask such a stupid question?!"

Ayato sighed and shook his head. "Taki can shape-shift. From what Carla and Shin had spoken about she can turn into a wolf, bat and a raven."

Kanato's eyes lit up as he looked down to the bat making it so she was face to face with him. "Hm...only one way for me to figure out!"

He soon disappeared with the bat going to his room where he sat down on his bed with the bat only to let it go, She flew off a bit before she turned back to normal.

"Geez, did you have to go and take me from that-" She said before she was tackled down and kissed on the lips

Her eyes widen before she kissed him back as she felt his hands intertwined with his as he moved himself closely to her. "I've waited so long for you. I thought that if I was gentle with you that you'd stay with me. But I see that never worked, you still left! Now you're going to have to chose now Taki! Who will you go with?!"

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