Book One-Chapter one: Just the beginning

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The time was unknown to the young girl as she sat alone in a hall on a wooden chair as she looked down sadly. Her foster parents were placing her in an adoption home for harming their child. The young female was so sick and tired of going place to place, being called a 'monster' or a freak. She got down from the chair and stuck her tongue out at the door where her foster parents were before she ran out of the big house. When she did she was stopped by a big gate. She tried to slip through the bars and was just skinny enough to go through them without a problem.

She left the place all together and rushed into the nearby town only to collide with a young blond haired male. "Ouchie!" She whined

The young male shook off what he felt and held his hand out to her. "I'm sorry, here let me help you up."

She hadn't had anyone act so nice to her, so she nervously placed her hand in his before he helped her up. "Thank you."

His eyes widen. "You're....You're just like me."

The young female looked to him confused. "What do you mean?"

He gave her a small smile before showing her his fangs. Her purple eyes wide in shock. "O-Oh...S-So that's what you mean."

"Taki! Taki where are you?!" Two people shouted

"Please don't let them find me! They want to place me in some strange place for hurting their son on accident!" She pleaded to the male

"Sure, follow me!"

She did happily, the two of them ran out of the village and to a big manor a bit away from it. She panted before her eyes widen at the sight of it. "W-Wow..."

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to my mother and brother."


The young male went up to a blond female who was reading as well as a young raven haired male wearing glasses, also reading a book. "Mother, I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine."

The elder lady looked up from her book and stared down at the young purple haired female.

"Who are you?" The female asked.

"Taki ma'am. Taki Tsukinami." She said with a bow

"Show her to Cordelia no doubt she'd want to know about her."

The male was shocked, usually his mother would scold him, but she didn't this time around. He nodded his head and showed Taki to Cordelia like his mother told him to. When he found Cordelia she was sitting alone.

"Miss Cordelia, my mother told me to introduce you to my new friend."

"Oh? Who is she Shu?"

"I-I'm Taki Tsukinami." Taki said nervously

"Tsukinami huh? Come here child."

Taki did as she was asked and she was picked up before Cordelia looked at her eyes to see that something was holding back the powers inside of her. Cordelia gave her a small smile. "Taki, do you have a place to go to?"

"N-No, those who raised me were so terrible to me. They wanted to give me away."

"That's no way to treat a child, from now on I'll raise you. Not to worry you are in safe hands I promise." Cordelia said with a smile

Taki's eyes widen in joy. "R-Really?! I-I'm really, really happy to hear that!"

"Tell me how old are you Taki?"

"I'm 7 years old."

"Just like my boys, you will get along well with them. Let me introduce you to them. Shu tell Beatrix that I am taking care of her."

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