"You get an A for effort." Ginny joked, reaching out to ruffle the top of his hair. He scrunched his shoulders, laughing. "But do you think Chloe might like Max?"

"I think they're friends, yeah." Charles shrugged as they shuffled down the staircase.

Ginny hopped on the first floor and glanced over her shoulder at Charles. "Not like as a friend... but like like as in a crush."

"On Max!?" Charles looked flustered. He shook his head quickly as if the idea was insulting... even though he was good friends with the racer. "No way! He's too... well... he's too-"

"Mean?" Ginny finished his sentence for him, knowing good and well that it must be difficult to insult someone who could also be a kind friend. She realized that Charles' relationship with Pierre was the same way. They were friends... but Pierre could be so cruel. Though, he knew when to throw on the charm. Maybe Max was the same way. Maybe Chloe saw the sweet, loving, side of Max Verstappen that was kept a secret -- like Ginny had seen the secret vulnerable side of Pierre. Her head started to throb just thinking about it.

"He has his moments." Charles threw on a sympathetic smile. "If his dad wasn't so angry all the time then maybe Max would have a whole different personality."

Ginny bit her lip, thinking. "Do you think Pierre would too? If his dad maybe... was more of a dad."

"Yes, I think so." Charles nodded slowly, furrowing his eyebrows. "He has his moments too, doesn't he?"

"Yeah." Ginny paused, starting to feel a hot blush on her cheeks... and not because of Charles. "He does."

Charles coughed into his shoulder, breaking the tension in the living room. "What do you want to watch?"

"Anything." Ginny plopped on the couch. Charles threw himself down beside her, stealing some of her blanket that was half-hazardly covering her bare legs. He smelled like spearmint toothpaste and lavender. His damp hair touched her cheek lightly as he inched closer, their shoulders touching just as they were when they walked. "I'm just happy to watch a movie with you."

It was a sappy thing to say, but it was true. Ginny loved every second she spent with Charles, no matter what they were doing. If it was mundane, boring, chores- it didn't matter. Not as long as she was with him. Charles and Ginny. The two that were meant to be. Charles turned his head towards the television, picking up the remote from his side. His cheeks were pink like cotton candy skies. "Veux-tu regarder des films avec moi pour toujours?"

Will you watch movies with me forever?

Ginny twisted her lips in thought, trying to hide the large smile spreading across her lips. His earlier words were similar. Forever, being the token word. She glanced at him with hearts oozing from her soft eyes. "Do you think I won't be around long? You asked if I'd match with you forever at the beach too."

"Will you?" Charles cocked his head to the side.

"I think it's an obvious answer." Ginny whispered. "Yes."

Charles looked at his lap as the television brightened, turning on with a click. His smile faded into a worried grimace. He tried to hide it. "I hope that's true."

"It is." Ginny furrowed her brows.

Charles lightened after a second, turning to her with a grin. "Let's check the guide. Maybe there's a movie on cable that we'll like."


Ginny awoke to a loud thud on the roof. She felt startled, glancing around the dark living room in worry. The television was stuck on a blank screen -- which meant that it must be late if the channel wasn't airing anything. She didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. Her skin was covered in sweat and clammy. Her hair stuck to the back of her neck. Her throat was dry. She needed water.

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