Zoo on a wednesday

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"Come on we haven't got all day!" I yell across the parking lot at my twins. Gracie immediately picks up her pace while her sister, bows her head hoping that no one knows that I'm talking to her.
"What's the rush?" Gracie questions, slightly out of breath as she leans beside me, against the door of my car.

"We are going to the zoo"
"The zoo?" She repeats with childlike excitement.
"Yep" I pop the 'p', watching Ava sulk up to us.
"On a Wednesday?" I shrug, pulling the passenger door open for her. "You don't have to come but I thought it would be fun" both sisters climb in while I wait for a certain boy to show up.

Above the mass of students I see his curly hair heading my way. When he's close enough I share my plans. "We are going the zoo" his eyebrows pull together but I hop into the car before he can say anything. "You're siblings aren't allergic to animals right?" I peer into the mirror at Luis who shakes his head. "No but why are we going to the zoo on a Wednesday?"

"Why not?" I retort, pulling out of the school lot and heading to the middle school I've come to learn that addy attends. "You're weird, you know that right?" Rolling my eyes at the insult I focus on driving us safely. "You don't like chocolate, you're the weirdo" Lu grumbles at my comeback but doesn't say anything perceptible.

Soon enough we arrive at the school and Lu jumps out to grab his sister, who has a similar reaction to my announcement of going to the zoo. The only person who seems excited is Diego and that is exactly why he's my favourite and the whole reason we are going in the first place. None of the Gonzalez siblings have never been to a zoo, they haven't been many places that make childhood so magical so I've taken it upon myself to make sure they visit every place they haven't. Starting with the state zoo.

Luis is sat in the trunk where I realised there is a spare seat perfect for a 6th passenger. It's a tight space but he offered to take it so he can separate himself from everyone else. Yes he's a loner.
Thankfully, the drive isn't too long, only twenty minutes that is filled with singing or more like screeching as Lu complained. After two minutes of his incessant whining I gave him my AirPods to put in. That cheered him up a bit as he got lost in the music and blocked out the girls' voices.

"Can we see the sea lions first please?" Gracie pleads and I nod with a smile. "Do you want to go see the sea lions rocket?" The small boy jumps up, hand still in mine and the other in his sister's.
"Yeah!" I chuckle, letting him pull us quickly behind Gracie who rushes off to see her favourite animal. "What's your favourite animal?" I open the question to any four of the people around.

"I like lions" addy murmurs, "we can see them next if you like" grinning she nods eagerly.
"I like the birds" Ava comments mindlessly but catches Lu's attention. "The birds?" His tone is brimming with disbelief and accusation like he can't comprehend her choice of animal.
"Yes, the birds. They are beautiful and friendly, the opposite of you basically" she shoots him a glare that he returns full blast.

"If I was so ugly then you're own best friend wouldn't be trying to get my number" oh god this is not going to a quick argument.
"If you're going to bicker at least do it quietly" I mutter, letting go of Diego's hand as he runs up to the glass that displays the seal lions doing ticks and relaxing around the water. Addy runs with him, stopping beside my sister that is staring through the clear window in awe.

"Look!" Gracie points toward where one of the animals is diving and moving on the trainers command. "Wow" addy mumbles.
"You're so annoying"
"I hate you"
"Well I hate you too" spinning on my heel I glare at Ava and Lu. My sister has her ever present glare plastered on with her arms crossed against her chest while Luis has a similar glare etched into his own face. "That's not quietly!" I whisper shout, "just be civil for one hour, that's all I ask"

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