The New Maid (Chapter 13)

Start from the beginning

" Babe, your parents are walking this way...act natural..", Camila let go of Laurens hand.  

" Act natural?", Lauren looked confused.  

" Don't look like you're in love with me."  

" That's impossible, baby..", Lauren shyly smiled.   

" Hey, I've got some tickets for you girls! Now go and enjoy yourselves!", Mike held a stack of tickets in his hand.  

" What about you guys? Won't you go on the rides?", Camila asked.  

" We're gonna buy something to eat then meet you girls later. Have fun!" Clara smiled.  

" Don't mind if we do! See ya'll later!", Lauren grabbed the stack of tickets from her dads hand.  

" You coming or not?", Lauren turned to look at Camila as both her parents stood there watching how they interacted.  

" Yes..", Camila couldn't help but smile because she realized that she would follow Lauren to the end of the world if she had to. 

They both smiled at each other like no one could notice.  

" Alrigghhht then, we're gonna go buy food.. be good.", Mike laughed as him and Clara walked away.   

" Let's go!", Lauren once again grabbed Camila as she led her to their first ride.  

"But first, I need to get something for my lady.", Lauren walked over to the candy stand,  and purchased pink cotton candy.  

She handed the cotton candy to Camila, " You didn't have to.." 

" You deserve so much more..", the green eyed girl responded.

Camila didn't say anything, she just kissed Lauren on the cheek.  

" I hope you're not afraid of heights, but I haven't been on this ride in so long, and honestly I'd really like to share this moment with you..", Lauren handed two tickets to one of the workers, and she held on to Camilas hand.  

" To be honest, I've never been on a Ferris Wheel.. But if I do get scared, it's okay because I have you.", Camila sat close to Lauren as she rested her head on her shoulder.  

" This might go pretty high, but remember that I've got you, just like when we jumped into the pool. I will always be next to you."  

" I know you will..", Camila bit her bottom lip. 

The ride had begun, and it only took a few minutes until they were at the very top.

" Wow, this is gorgeous. I can literally see the entire carnival from up here..", Camilas eyes opened wide, but she still held on to Lauren tightly.  

" It's gorgeous, but never as gorgeous as you are..", Lauren looked into her girlfriends eyes.  

" Look a shooting star!", Camila pointed at the sky, and they both looked in amazement. 

" Quick, Camila.. Make a wish!"  

" I already did..."  

" Really? What was it?", Lauren smirked.  

" YOU.."  

Lauren caressed Camilas face as they passionately kissed, and the fact that it had gotten dark scared them a little less.  

" You're my satellite. You're ridding with me tonight. Passenger side, lighting the sky, always the first star that I find.. You're my satellite.", Lauren whispered against Camila's lips as they both kept their eyes closed.  

" I love you, Lauren. I love you more than I could possibly love anyone.. And I was so afraid to lose you.. I still am, but I need you to know that I am willing to fight any battle.. I don't care who we go up against, as long as we're together."  

Laurens eyes began to fill with tears, " You don't know how happy you make me.. I never thought anyone could make me feel this way. I love you, Cam. And we will fight any battle that may come our way."  

Camila kissed the green-eyed girl until the ride ended.

The night felt so young, and they both wished it would never end.   Lauren, and Camila went on a few more rides after that, and eventually they found Clara and Mike. The four of them enjoyed a few carnival games, and on the outside they looked like a perfectly happy family. On their way back home, Camila and Lauren once again snuggled in the back seat. Lauren held her tight, as Camila rested her head on Lauren's shoulder. Of course she made sure Lauren's parents couldn't see.    

When they got home Clara and Mike said goodnight to Lauren, and they went into their room, leaving Camila, and Lauren in the living room. 

" So, I'm guessing its time for bed.. I'm exhausted..", Camila yawned, and Lauren poked her nose. 

" Will you stay with me?", Lauren made a puppy face.  

" It's too risky.. we got lucky that we didn't get caught in the morning."  

" Yeah, but we got away with it, and I'm sure we always will.. Plus who cares, we'll just turn off the lights, and no one will see anything.", Lauren grabbed Camila by the waist.  

" I don't know.. I feel like I'm disrespecting your parents.. They're so nice to me..", Camila looked down.  "

They're probably already asleep. They won't notice, please stay with me..", Lauren whined and Camila couldn't resist her girlfriend.  

" Okay fine, but I'm waking up early."  

" Yay!", Lauren couldn't help, but get excited. 

They walked into the room as Lauren stood in back of Camila and hugged her from behind.  

" I love you, and I'll never stop.", Lauren whispered.  

" I love you too, and I'll probably never stop either."

They both giggled as Camila closed her eyes.  

" You better never stop!"  

" I wont, trust me.. You're my satellite, remember?", Camila quietly says.

Lauren looked at Camila like she had never seen her before, she kissed her forehead, and then kissed her lips. Camila wrapped her arms around her neck, as Lauren gently placed her on the bed.  

Lauren, and Camila were too distracted by their kiss to hear the door opening; they had also forgotten to turn off the light. 

Camila noticed a figure standing behind them with a look of shock on their face. Lauren noticed that something was wrong so she sat up on her bed, only to realize her mom was standing right in front of them. 

Clara didn't say a word; she just looked at both of them, and walked right out of the door.  

Lauren turned over to look at Camila, and she looked like she had seen a ghost, unable to speak.      ----------------------------------------------

Oh Caught! Enjoy!

The New Maid (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now