Chapter 2 : The Pits

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Hello readers! Don't worry I am still alive just very busy. I thought I would have more time for this, but hey, you can never predict life.

Hope everyone enjoys the next chapter! Feel free to vote and leave your comments!
Five Years Later

It had been quite a while since Starfall had seen her first match, and she had seen almost every single one since. Especially since her sire had been forced to join the fights. He was one of the more famous gladiators because of his impressive performance in the pits. He had taken on a name, Megatronus, after one of the original thirteen Primes.

When he had joined the gladiator pits he began to teach Starfall how to fight. And that, is what they are currently doing.

Starfall's PoV

I watched as my sire spared with a slightly shorter, black and silver mech in the training room. It wasn't long before his opponent was on their back in surrender. He chuckled slightly before helping the other mech up. All of the pit fighters were like a big family. They were all forced to be there, they were all forced to fight, and they all hated the ones that weren't. There were very few mechs that were there of their own free will. When there was one, they were often killed in their first match. It was just the way things were.

I was jerked out of my train of thought by my sire calling me over. "Starfall, would you come here please."

I swiftly stood and went into the ring. "Yes Sire?"

"I want you to spar with Blacklight here. I think you are far enough along in your training."

I smirked before grabbing my weapon of choice, a long sword. Blacklight protested as soon as my Sire mentioned me sparring him.

"Megatronus, have you lost your processor? I am not going to fight a kid, much less a femme! I'll deck her!"

Megatronus just chuckled before exciting the ring. See, everyone in the pits knew who I was. I had a very similar frame to my Sire, and once I hit my growth spurt, I was often mistaken for him. My best guess, Blacklight was scared, and trying to get out of fighting me.

Even though I too was terrified, I decided to use one of the best tactics in fighting, taunting your opponent. "What is it old mech, don't want to fight a femme, or are you just too scared?"

I twirled my sword and took up a relaxed stance. Then Blacklight, full of anger, charged and ran right into my trap. As soon as he was within striking distance I stepped to the side, tripped him, and as soon as he rolled over, my sword was at his neck. I chuckled before offering my servo to help him stand up. He scowled before pushing it away and standing up on his own.

"I don't know how you did that, but your gonna pay."

Blacklight walked back to his corner of the ring while I resheathed my sword. We both waited for the training referee to start our second match. As soon as the match started, Blacklight and I began circling each other. After observing each other for a few seconds, I went at him.

I swiftly drew my sword as he transformed his servo into one. When we met in the middle, our swords clashed with a force strong enough to create sparks. We both stepped back before Blacklight charged for the second time. Before he could strike I stepped to the side. I then kicked him in the back and his sword transformed back to his servo out of instinct. I also sheathed my own sword. When he turned to attack again I swiftly punched him in the face before following with a rapid series of punches to his abdomen. While he was dazed I kicked out his legs and stood over him with my sword at his neck.

I helped him up before hearing the cheers of the crowd that had gathered during the training match. I raised my sword and let out a victorious battle cry. That was when my Sire entered back into the ring.

"Well done Starfall. It appears that the other gladiators already like your fighting style."

I replied with a chuckle, "Well, I did learn from the best."

We soon exited the ring and walked to the quarters for the fighters and their families. Thankfully with how well my Sire had done in his matches we were allowed pretty good quarters. We made it there and I went and flopped onto my berth.

"Wow, I am tired! How did I just take out a mech that was bigger than ME?!?!"

" Because I trained you. Plus, you grew up working, your probably stronger than most mechs your age, or older."

I rolled over onto my stomach, "Yeah, I guess your right. I am also fueled by my obsession with the pits ever since you took me to that first match with Terminus. That changed my dreams."

"Haha, well my little Starlight, you are also one of the most determined femmes I know. Never give up on your dreams, and never let anyone tell you who you are because of where you came from."

I stood up and gave him a big hug. "Thank you Sire. You've always been my biggest fan and I will always be yours."
One Month Later

As I stood in the waiting area, I could hear the crowd roaring with excitement for the current fight. I watched through the gate that blocked the entrance as my Sire finished off his opponent. This was it, once he won the match, he would introduce me and I would go out for my first public match. My Sire believed I was ready, me not so much.

As Megatronus made the finishing blow, the crowd was on its feet in an uproar. He lifted his sword in victory, only emboldening the spectators to cheer louder. Some service mechs came and dragged the destroyed body out of the gladiator pit. As soon as they were through the gate, my Sire motioned for the crowd to quiet down.

I then watched as he began to speak, "Welcome bots of all castes! You may have thought that fight was good, but today we have a surprise. For the first time in the ring, my daughter Starfall, will fight her first opponent!"

As the crowd began to cheer, I walked out into the ring and stood beside my Sire. He then turned, told me he loved me, and left the ring. I watched as my opponent came out the opposite side. He was a rather large mech, mostly painted in black with blue detail; his name was Steelbite. The ref motioned for us to pick out weapons.

I gazed at the selection, then turned and walked to the gate. I knew the crowd was confused, but I wanted to surprise them. My Sire was waiting and handed me the blade I had been crafting for the past month. It was a long silver blade, adorned with energon along the blade, making it ten times stronger than it should of been.

While I walked back to my spot in the ring, the crowd erupted when they saw my handcrafted blade. I took a deep breath, and blocked out everything, but my opponent and the referee. The ref made the signal to begin and my opponent charged.

I met him in the middle and our weapons clashed. He had chosen an axe, and I immediately began to think of moves to disarm him. We both took a step back, and when our weapons clashed, I hooked my sword on his axe and made it fly out of his servo. I then sheathed my sword on my back. I then punched him in the face, and made a swift series of punches and kicks.

Before I knew it, I had won the match and the cheers of the crowd filled my audio receptors. The realization then hit me, I had won my first real gladiatorial match!


Hope y'all like this chapter! Everybody have a good day/night!

StarfallPrime1112 out!

Edited: Nov 18, 2023

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