Chapter 10

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"Adrian? " mishaliya said.

Just then a lady came from behind.

"Ameliy!!! " mishaliya said as she run towards Ameliy and hug her.

"What a surprise!! "

"Did u miss me? " Ameliy asked.

"Afc I do, I wish Uncle also came here, but he's resting " Mishaliya said.

"But why is Adrian doing here with you, and what's with the hairstyle? " Mishaliya said narrowing her brows.

Ameliy laugh.

"Adrian is his cousin, he is my son, Felix ,Félix Fathom, it's your first time meeting him heh " Ameliy said.

"Hello, and nice to meet you " Felix extanted his hand for handshake.

Mishaliya shook her hand "Hey, nice meeting you too, I'm Mishaliya " mishaliya smile.

"But auntie  , mom dad never told me that Adrian and Mr. Gabriel Agreste is your relative and you also have a twin sister Emillie who sadly died, and that's why Felix and Adrian both look like twin bros " Mishaliya said.

"Yes, my very smart daughter understands " Ameliy said.

"Well, I have a request for you " Ameliy said.

"Go on, in all ears my lovely auntie " Mishaliya said as Félix rise his brows as he was having a tea.

"Can I leave Felix here, don't worry you guys will become friends, actually, I have something very important  upcoming , and m/m m/d also agrees to let felix stay here , I could have left felix at agreste mansion, but Gabriel didn't seems to like felix so that's why I am asking you " Ameliy said.

"It's okay auntie, I got no problem for Felix to stay here, after all he's my auntie's only son, so what about his studies.? " Mishaliya asked.

"Oh, I get his admission at your college, he will go with you and come with you, is it okay? " Ameliy asked.

"Okay okay " Mishaliya smile.

"Luci, please show, Mr. Felix his room " Mishaliya said.

Felix and Luci left.

"Thank you, you're such a understanding girl " ameliy said.

"Actually, felix is being so strubbom and can't let me go to my business trips and my company is having huge loss cause of him, don't worry, if he annoyed you , you can kick his butt " Ameliy said as mishaliya shook her head.

"Auntie, I just want you to take care of yourself, and about felix don't worry about him, I'll set him " Mishaliya smiled.

Soon Ameliy left from there.

Mishaliya went to felix.

"Can I come in? " mishaliya asked.

"Yes "

Mishaliya went inside as she sit on felix bed.

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