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TW/S: Lots of cussing, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, PTSD

Fun fact: They actually burnt witches I to see if they were a witch, if they survived the burning, they were a witch, but no one saved them if they died. This debunks a lot of stories!

(Blackhats POV)


WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? Demencia or DrFlug better not be up to something at ONE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!

I open my phone, to try and check what the heck is happening. WHO THE FUCK BROKE IT!!! I got up to check the security cameras. Broken too...







Demencia came scrambling to me and started being all disgusting.

I ignored her.


"Well, no blacky~ but-"



(No-ones POV)

A dark eerier presence filled the mansion to the brim. It coated the walls like a disease in its host, and everyone could feel it. A groggy feeling followed close behind.

Even Blackhat knew of its presence, so he decided to confront Flug about it, that and the fact that every device in the mansion is destroyed.

The hallways were longer than he remembered... and... darker...

As he got closer the feeling grew stronger and for the first time in his life, something was causing him, even if subtle, to feel felt fear.

Something was with him.

His footsteps echoed across the walls. He had the feeling something was watching. Something sinister. Worse than even Blackhat himself.

His breath got shaky.

The next thing he knew, he was surrounded by flesh. The flesh wasn't normal. It had a sickly red tinge and a moist texture. It pulsated in a slow process motion and you could hear the squelching of its horrific movement. You could almost hear deep breathing.

His chest clamped up. His skin didn't feel right on his body.

A lone chair sat on top of all of it, built out of old rotting wood, and on the chair, lay a hat. A lone hat. A fedora maybe? Nevertheless. It looked freshly placed. But no signs of other life resided anywhere near.

But the room beckoned him.

It told him.

It told him the find the wearer of the hat.

(Time skip to later that day)

(No-ones POV)

Flug sat at his desk, leg bouncing furiously. His body shivering and shaking. He took deep breaths. Nothing helped.

He got up paced around the room and fidgeted violently, picking at the skin on his nails and scratching his arms, mumbling incoherently. His chest tightened and his breathing became irregular and fast and he began biting the inside of his cheek.

"Bow?" A little blue creature poked its head out of the corner, at first shock filled the bears face. But seeing flugs state he bound towards him. 505 approached him carefully, gently putting his paw on flugs hand, bringing him back to reality. It curled up on his lap as his breathing slowed. He shut his eyes and clenched his fists in a ball, using the other to slowly pat 505, relaxing into his hug.

After awhile he calmed down. "Thanks 505... you would make a good therapy bear." He laughed pitifully. The blue bear like creature hugged into him. He pet the bears head. 505 looked at him one last time and then left

Flug sighed as he jotted down the contents of the 'dream' in his notebook and leaned back in his chair.

(Flug POV)

My arm reached out to the book writing the contenance of the dream. I was still extremely shaken up by the experience, but at least for now it's somewhat manageable...

I don't know what to think of it but, I always had nightmares about my past but nothing was that realistic, dreams usually had at least one irrational or unrealistic thing- even is small, but that dream had nothing.

I kept thinking about the dream, so I got up and decided to use by break to the fullest. To clear my mind I will get the fungi for Demencia, (so she will stop bugging me, I genuinely have a headache constantly around her) but also as an escape for what's been happening recently, it's all been extremely stressful.

Also, It was a bit suspicious that I hadn't seen Blackhat sir all day, but I wasn't about to get my ass kicked so I decided to leave it alone.

I left the lab and went out into the city. "G-gosh... it's so b-bright... w-when was the l-last time I w-went outside...?" My voice sounded raspy, probably from lack of hydration. If it didn't make my throat hurt like shit, I probably would have found my voice funny.

I had wrote a note to tell everyone that I am getting something, but chances are I will still get in trouble.

Most of the time I probably would have used some sort of transportation vehicle but since I had a brake I decided to walk there, and I don't know what I was thinking because it was exhausting.

When I finally got to the forest, it felt really refreshing.

The cool air whisked through the trees like a dance, the leaves had gorgeous tints of every colour you could imagine covering the trees and the grass was cool and soft.

Turns out it was early in the morning, in the lab I had lost tracks of time easily. But I was just in time to see the sunrise blaring through the trees, beautiful shades of pinks, reds, oranges and yellows covered the sky like a blanket.

It was truly a sight to behold.

It was wonderful, I felt like a kid again, but before the Hunter or six, before any of it. Just a kid in the woods running around.

For the first time in awhile, I smiled, properly.

Then I remembered I had a task at hand, the mushrooms, I felt confident.

I walked through the forest, taking my time and enjoying the scenery, but the deeper I went, the more I couldn't shake off a feeling of looming dread hung in the atmosphere.

The forest got denser and less and less light filtered through, I'm glad I went here in the day.

The trees this far in had a rough and sticky texture like the tree was made out of splinters and sap.

The air didn't feel nice and cool anymore- it felt cold, thick and soggy.

At this point it was dark as not much light was getting through the trees and I didn't feel right in my own skin.

Nothing looked completely normal.

I saw the mushrooms and bolted towards them, not wanting to spend much longer here. I grabbed them, put them in a bag and started heading back, but I heard a familiar sound.

The mechanical whirring of an old TV.

I slowly approached it being as cautious as I could.

But something stopped me.

A handprint on the TV.

The discovery. (Flug as mono) ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now