CHAPTER 1 ~the past~

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TW/S: phycological manipulation, physical abuse (not descriptive) , Shouting, crying (happy tears), swearing

Feel free to tell me for any others!

Or correct my grammar! Enjoy!


Name meanings:

Number one: MONOCHROME- black and white, grayscale. Much like the surroundings of little nightmares, But the name is means a  Monochrome TV

Number two: MONOPHOBIA- also known as Autophobia, isolophobia and eremophobia.

The phobia of fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored.

Mono(Flug) POV

My breath was heavy, my limbs were numb. My head spinning as I desperately tried to keep up with Six.

The huge wall of flesh was chasing us, the grotesque skin trying to grasp hold of us, desperately trying to reach a hold on us. Walls crumbling more by the second as we approached the bridge.

I didn't have time to think. I didn't have time to breath...

I inhaled sharply... and took jump.

At the last second our hands only just collided, dangling off the edge as she held me. My body ached as I used all my strength to hold on to her hand. I was so grateful to have meet her, she had helped me so much throughout our journey. I'd save her, she'd save me. But this time felt... different... Why wasn't she pulling me up? Was she hurt? ...Did I hurt her?

She looked in my eyes with pure horror. I remembered. My bag had been taken off.

This was the first time she got a proper look at my face.

She looked distraught.

She looked dead in my eyes. Her expression blank... "S-Six?" Tears started falling from both our eyes as her hand started shaking. We had fought so much together. I was visibly trembling as a tear rolled down my cheek. Then...

S h e  d r o p p e d  m e .

As I fell a deep anger boiled inside of me. I had done so much for her, but she just... left me there.

The last thing I saw was six looking down at me, then passing through. I passed out.

Why? Six, if you ever hear this, w h y ?


Time skip + a bit of explaining

Years later, he has become thin man but the signal town sped up his physical age immensely, so he is 15 at the time but still looks like normal thin man.


Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat. Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat. Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat. Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat. Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat. Pain. Life. Desperation. Repeat.

Time. A funny concept, ain't it? Sometimes second feel like years. Hours can feel like minutes. Time drifting away as your life slowly ticks past. I don't know how long I have been stuck here alone, well not fully alone, those suffocating walls, pulsating in a slow, repetitive pace. Eyes looking at me at all times. I was starting to lose my grip on reality. Turns out my health wasn't the only thing it preserved. Ha... I guess I was easier to keep in check like this rather than a rampaging Sociopath... I dunno. Probably not something to laugh about... meh.

The discovery. (Flug as mono) ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now