CHAPTER TWO ~Leading up~

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TW/S:Anxiety, Starvation and injuries 

Feel free to tell me for any others!

Or correct my grammar! Enjoy!

Fun fact: after death, all your muscles release, so air will be coming out of your lungs. Resulting in you making a low noise, which many horror story's originated! Also I'm giving you a bonus fact because this is extremely late bc I had an operation and the day after flew to sydney, but bc of the operation my hand was bruised and slightly swollen making it painful to write. Fun fact 2: canonically Mono/ Thin man did go insane during his time on the signal tower. This is shown by over time while being stuck there a smile grows on his face.

Mono(Flug) POV

I'm... out... it's still very hard to believe. I have been there all my life. I have been wondering the streets for hours...

Hunger and pain finally caught up to me as my adrenaline runs out. I fall to the ground and hit my head and my vision goes burry until... I pass out...

No-ones POV

A small young boy with a bag on their head lay unconscious on the ground. Shivering. As a woman approaches and wakes him up. "Are you okay?" He slowly opens his eyes and as he sees the woman he panics and backs up in to the corner of the alleyway. The woman sighs at his reaction and hold out her hand. "I mean no harm." And so mono slowly approaches her, watching her every move to see if she try's anything. "Hello, I'm Mary. And you are?"

The boy dose not respond. She smiles patiently. "Okay, I guess you don't trust me yet, I get it, to you I'm a stranger, but please at least let me help you." Mono nods slowly eyeing her hand, which has a sandwich in it. She follows his gaze to the sandwich. "Ah. Your hungry. Do you want this?"


Mary sets it down and Mono slowly grabs it and looks at her for approval. She nods. Without even a second passing he snarfs it down. "Whoa, there, slow down, you will get sick!"

She frowns, remembering something, "Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go, please stay safe on the streets little one." She bends down to the scrawny boy and hands him some money. "I know you're a kid so please use this wisely." And with that she hugs him and says "good luck." And walks away.

Mono is left there a l o n e .

Mono (Flug) POV

Considering I don't have any records of me in this city, I decided to change my name...

I like planes so maybe Flug? I don't know.. meh I will just choose Flug. I have been wandering on the streets aimlessly. Then I saw something... a demon's mansion. When you are in a room with a demon for years you can start to recognise their smell... and this one felt close. Too close. My skin crawled at the thought of another demon. I had just escaped one. The worst thing is is that because my leg was already badly injured, I couldn't run. I decided that the best thing to do way stay put. Perfect still. Until it touches my shoulder...


(545 words)

The discovery. (Flug as mono) ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now