Side Story 2: „Normal" life of Gregory

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It wasn't like any other day. Eclipse wouldn't rattle against the cage and was rather standing on the nightstand. He wasn't sleeping in his own bed but a bed inside a room he wasn't used to. No Michael and Ennard that shouted him awake. This peace felt strange, comforting even. It wasn't something he usually got. Something was always loud or noisy, but now? It was quiet. Relaxing. Even if he had to stay with Y/N and the rip off daycare attendants, it was better as to stay with Michael. Because here he was addressed with his name. With Gregory. Not brother or Evan. Gregory.
„You should stand up if you don't wanna be late for the club."
Gregory rolled his eyes. Eclipse said that School was a club because at how loud and noise everyone was.

His feet felt the soft carpet ground as he grabbed his clothes from the back and started to change into them. Michael didn't have enough money to get him something different so he had to wear old clothes. Clothes that he would get bullied for in school. He didn't mind it really. Ennard beat up the kids that would do that so no one would try and pick a fight with himself. Sometimes it felt like Ennard is protective for Gregory, but that couldn't be the case. If he would, he would've not let Michael talk to him all the time like this. His sigh was louder as the noises of Eclipse metallic body when he moved around. It's not like anything will change so Gregory finished getting ready and went downstairs with Eclipse on his shoulder. He saw you, Moon and Sun preparing breakfast with quiet voices.

„I thought you missed taking care of children?"
„W-well we do, but he is an exception!"
„Exactly. Are you still trying to protect him despite what he did to the others? They still haven't gotten all their revenge yet."
„He is a child! Yes what he did was unnecessary and rude and probably there was a better method, but he was scared. Scared to get killed from animatronics who wanted to kill him!"
Moon rolled his eyes and put a pancake on a plate. The scent of sweetness filled the kitchen and Gregory got closer, getting noticed by the three worryheads. You greeted him first with an awkward grin while Sun and Moon didn't bother to show false hospitality. They glared down at him with nothing but annoyance.

„Good morning Gregory! Did you sleep well?"
He looked at you and than at your partners before sighing and nodding. He didn't realize that their gaze didn't go to him, but to Eclipse who had a mental smirk as the endoskeleton he was in couldn't show anything. Gregory sat down on the table and looked at the pancake in front of him. It was a little burned, but it smelled wonderful. Eclipse jumped down to the table and looked at you.
„How was the night? Was it alright?"
You wanted to respond with a confused expression, but Moon was faster.
„They slept comfortably in our arms. There is no need to worry."
„I'm just asking for the truth. Why do you look so confused?"

Eclipse grinned and Moon looked angered back. You swooped away from Moon and walked to Gregory who was watching this whole fight. He thought that there would be at least a little break for him outside of the shack from screaming and nagging, but that wasn't the case.
„Sorry for Moon...and Sun. I'm sure they will warm up to you eventually."
„Just like Ennard is?"
You look awkwardly away and shook your head.
„You're right. They probably won't, but I will speak to them."
Gregory didn't have high hopes for that one. Ennard also looked at him like that sometimes as well. Mostly when he tried to escape in the beginning, but it was pointless to do so.

„What? Is the Moon man gonna cry? Or would this be another lie?"
„Shut up Eclipse!"
„You are only here because of the Rulebreaker! If it would be for me and Moon, you would be still in that fire!"
„Liars liars burn in fires! All you can do is whine, do you think it's really fine?"
„We don't whine you failure of a program!"
„You were once a program as well! Or do you need a reminder of the detail?"
„Stop fighting you three! There is a child under us!"
You glared at Eclipse who turned away to face Gregory. As you looked to Sun and Moon, they looked a little guilty away.
„Sorry Sunshine..."
„Won't happen again..."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now