The intervview

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I should be nervous, but I feel strangely confident. The job interview shouldn't take long, but I wish it would be. It's really uncomfortable with Sun and Moon right now. I don't want to push them away, but I also don't want to let them be near me. Eclipse's and Ennards words are haunting my thoughts more than I would want to. It's not even their fault that this is happening. I couldn't even prepare myself for the interview. Moon was being distant to me and Sun and slept willingly on the couch. He didn't say anything or talked to us at all, even if I was going out of the house. Usually I would give up and be the one apologizing, but this time it isn't even my fault. Maybe a little for being! I won't fall again in this trap! He needs to learn that he sometimes goes to far. So what if there are only two options for me to live with them? I will figure something out!

The room in which the interview will be held is with bright colors and no windows. It looks more like an interrogation room as anything else with that one table and two chairs. Just what did Julia sign me up for? I will definitely look over the contract a lot before signing it. This looks just as shady as it was at the Pizzaplex. Two people entered the room and both of them wore sunglasses and suits. I don't know if I should be scared or confused. The one on the left had long brown hair while the one on the right had short black hair. The one with brown hair started to talk first.
„Good day. We heard you wanted to take a job in our facility?"
„Y-yes. That is correct."
Julia just what did you really sign me up for??! This can never be a normal place!

They sat down in front of my and my anxiety reached its peak. The one with short dark hair doesn't talk at all. Maybe they can't? The only one that talks with me is the one to my left.
„And you have been handling robots before?"
„Animatronics, to be more precise."
„And their systems?"
„Yes. But it changes on the type of program. I only know some."
It's not considered lying to leave the part out that I barely can recognize what is right and wrong or that I can not differentiate the different types of programs. I don't think I will even get this job. I mean practical experience is far better than any other experience, but...
„I see. Do you live alone?"

I can still remember that we got this training from the last year of school. That we should never answer direct questions in a rude or honest matter. The Pizzaplex was my first job I got, so this is my first application talk. And it seems that this work will not be legal in any way.
„I can say that this will not effect my daily routine of work."
„Hmm...any plans in the near future?"
„I want to earn a position in your company and keep my place for as long as I can work."
„And how do you plan to achieve that?"
„By working eagerly and coming punctual. I can work on weekends to help out or take any shift possible."
I will try to at least.

I just hope that it will be soon over. I get the sudden urge to cuddle with Sunny. And Moon if he would finally apologize to me.
„Why do you think we should take you in?"
Because I need a job? What do you want me to say??
„I...I'm not someone who is skilled or has a lot of experience in this field, but I would do my best to learn and be someone that you need."
„So you face off tell us that you aren't good enough."
I try to hide my shame behind my hands, but my body couldn't move at all. Yeah. Who in their right mind makes themselves bad at a job interview? The one in front of me sighs and than starts to chuckle. Even the black haired next to them had a little smile on their lips.
„Good. I like you. You don't try to hide your bad qualities."

I look nervously up and only meet happy eyes.
„Let me introduce us two. My name is Crystal and use she/her pronouns. This next to me is Jack and he uses he/him. He can't talk right now since he is overstimulated at the moment."
I already feel a lot calmer now.
„Thank you for the introduction. My name is- oh you already know that, but my pronouns are-„
„Already know. Julia told me a great deal about yourself."
„She did?"
I mean- should I be that surprised that Julia has other friends? She is an outgoing person after all. But other friends in different work fields that are nearly the same? So she basically walked me into the dark well knowing that I would pass either way? She could have at least gave me a hint.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now