Scared of working

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„So you really accept working here?"
I gave Crystal the signed papers back in her hand and smiled.
„I guess I do. The payment is nice and it's safer as the Pizzaplex."
She looked hesitant to believe me. I mean it wasn't really a secret that people disappeared around the Pizzaplex and the pay was inhumane as well. Besides, I don't have to fear that a killer rabbit will kill me in my sleep so it will be fine!...Hopefully...
„Are you sure you want to work here?"
„If you keep asking than I want to know the reason why I shouldn't."
„Did you read the application throughly?!"
„Yes. I read each letter carefully."
She bit on her lips and seemed to not want to believe me.

„Than why do you still want to work here?"
„Because it is fun to help people out! Besides, I can't run away from it, can't I?"
Soon I will be doomed. If I run away, I will bring Sun and Moon pain. If I stay here, I will get eventually killed. But I can't bring my family into this. My siblings don't deserve to suffer through the unsureness of dying or seeing another day. I can't run away anymore. I ran from my parents, from Vanny and even from Afton. I ran away instead of facing it and each time got worse. If a serial killer is not enough to open my eyes, I don't know what else could be.
„You cannot quit once getting accepted."
„I am aware of that."
„Your life is at risk!"
„I know. But this won't stop me."

It's not like I will work here forever. I will go to prison as soon as Sun and Moon can stand on their own feet. I might as well take the blame for the murder of my old colleagues too. With Arson combined, I would get lifelong definitely. I know that my life won't be so cheerful any longer than I wished it to be, but I am happy that I can still help others. That I am of use before I will be in prison or death will come from my loved ones...Crystal chuckled and shook her head.
„You really are as stubborn as Julia told me. Welcome to our team Y/N."
„Did Julia only talk about my bad aspects?"
„She is an open book once she is drunk. Don't take it to heart."
Julia and getting drunk? I imagine that she would sing loud and talk gibberish while she is on the sofa sitting with a bottle in her hand.

Maybe I should drink with her from time to time. Alcohol tastes bad at the first glass, but one will get used to it after the third.
„Can we begin working? I don't wanna push extra work on myself."
She looked at her phone and giggled.
„Oh you are completely right! It would be bad of me to keep you waiting any longer!"
Crystal took my hand and walked with me towards the room. I'm lucky that she leads me to my workplace again as I had no clue to where it was. Getting to memorize this in my head might take a while.
„You told me that we will be working with A.I's, but on what exactly? The emotions, the body language- like what?"

She turned around to me and walked backwards still holding my hand.
„On the handling. Yes the emotions are also important, but we don't want to make humanoid things. We only try to make helping A.I'd by giving them the understanding for different situations."
„So like a helping system?"
„Just with emotions! It is statistically proven that mentally ill people talk to their phone or electrics more as to other human beings. Pets are also the second they talk to."
„What study proved this?"
I was unsure that mentally ill people wouldn't talk to their pets first before a weird helping system that has developed emotions like that of a human. Crystal looked right into my eyes and smiled as she walked normally again, not saying a word. This gives me a strange feeling of deja vu.

She knocked on a door and opened it. Inside was an endoskeleton sitting with a human head on top of it. It was very different from the animatronic endoskeleton. Not only was this one thinner and didn't have so many cables on them, but they also had a nerve system like an original human body. Even the metallic parts were constructed like the bones of a human. So this is high quality...I'm happy that I don't have to build this together. Jack was standing next to it and mumbled to himself, seemingly not aware that we have arrived. The endoskeleton looked to us and scanned me with its eyes. It was weird to see that human looking head and the rest of it being metal parts. Crystal stopped holding my hand and began to be standing next to the A.I.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now