"Ok, I'll do it but I've got to be back later for Benita as she won't be happy."

Star claps her hands, "OK go and tell her and I'll wait right here, this is going to be so cool, you won't regret it."

Ha if you say so. Weirdly I feel oddly comfortable inside my shiver.

The house at Barnes stands tall and proud, totally living up to Star's description, rich and posh with a capital P, the fantasy home that only really exists in story books. I whistle in appreciation.

We ring the brass bell and wait. It is pulled open by a smiling middle-aged woman all decked out in a short black leather dress with long rubber boots, she ushers us inside.

"Which one of you girls is Star?"

I notice how yellow her teeth are and how old she looks under that thick slap.

Star extends her hand, "I'm Star and you are?"

"Randy," she said, "You're co-star."

I giggle and Star shoots me a look. Randy walks us into a large front room which is beautifully decorated in soft pastel colours with an array of Victorian antiques. In the middle, it is lit up and a double bed has been draped with red satin. The pillows are plump and springy as if they have just been torn from the wrapper. Tam strolls in from the kitchen with a mug of coffee and a donut.

"Aah hello again bodyguard."

I nod.

"Sure we can't persuade you to join the party?"

"No doubt Randy will be all you need and more," I say dryly.

"And me I love to party!" piped up Star not wanting to be ignored.

"Well help yourself to drinks girls want to make a start in 15."

He wobbles away cramming the remaining donut into his mouth.

Star looks at me smiling and then at Randy.

"Ok, ladies let me show you upstairs." She says.

We follow behind taking in the smooth walls and fabulous Dali prints. Somehow they seem out of place with the elegance of the rest of the house. The bedroom is very normal, a Magnolia color scheme with matching bed sheets. The dressing table has been cleared ready for use so Star throws her bags down and sits awkwardly in front of the mirror.

"Ok, time to make me beautiful Kiz."

I smile, "Then I won't have too much to do."

Both of us study the mirror as the transformation from Sue to Star begins after she dresses in white virginal lingerie and killer heels. She looks pure and untouched, yet scratched by the Devil. We make our way carefully downstairs and onto the set. Tam calls us from the kitchen,

"Girls, get in here a minute."

Sighing we amble into the kitchen to find Randy sitting on the worktop surrounded by mesmerized eyes. Her dress is pulled up to her waist and she is happily spread-eagled with a Coke can and a cucumber inserted into her vagina.

My fucking God!

I try to turn away but can't. I watch in morbid fascination while Star cackles and claps.

"Guess you're ready for me then," said Star, attempting to sound seductive. She moves closer, "Doesn't that hurt?"

Randy shakes her head proudly, "No water off a duck's back...it's seen a lot of action through the years."

Ha, you don't say!

I begin to sweat and scratch my neck. Past feelings of insecurity and disgust leap to the surface. I almost feel sorry for Randy, she's an embarrassment with a capital E, and as for Star, well I just want to get her as far away from these low-lives as possible.

I pull Star to one side, "Hey, you sure you want to do this?"

"Oh Kizzy don't go getting all Miss Moral on me, yes of course I do, I'm on my way up remember..."

Randy removes the items and leaps from the counter. I grimace and make a mental note not to eat any of the food that is offered. God, I swear I just saw a lackey put the cucumber back in the fridge.

We stand in the front room and Tam puts the music on. Star gapes at him while Randy strikes a pose on the bed. She beckons Star who moves towards her robotically.

Could that really be nerves that I'm seeing?

"Now," said Tam, "Randy will lead you ok, you've got a rabbit in headlights look about you. Lighten up ok"

He gives a wink and pushes her forward. Star takes her position and Tam counts down, "5,4,3,2,1 Action."

I watch dispassionately and have to admit that Randy is a professional, she moves from scene to scene with ease but Star seems oddly uncomfortable. I watch her curiously, was it possible that Star could really be an innocent lead astray by the evils of city life...I pinch myself suddenly hearing my Dad.

"Get on top of Randy!" orders Tam.

I wince at his bulging erection. So gross!

Star sits astride her staring straight ahead, frozen. Randy's hands are tickling, probing running wild and she feels as if she is looking down on herself from the ceiling. Humiliation has gained pace and is flooding her.

I tap Tam on the shoulder, "Maybe you should just forget it for today..."

Tam turns to me in irritation, "Mind your own business." Then looking me directly in the eye, "On second thoughts why don't you crawl back to whatever stone you slithered out from."

"Pot calling kettle black," I say seething inside, biting down hard on my lip. I'm not going to abandon Star, she's a loyal friend, and I learnt years ago that loyalty on the streets is worth its weight in gold. I comfort myself by imagining stabbing him in that big fat disgusting gut.

3 hours later.

We catch the train back to London. No words are spoken, there doesn't seem to be any point, what happened, happened. Star has chased it and she's more than got what she asked for. The whole thing has made me irate, hazy memories of Camden and the drab council estate drift through my mind...walking through that door then nothing but a black burning nightmare that ended in a bloodbath. I pull down the shutters and attempt to smile.

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