As Mew observes this photographer quite closely, it learns more of the wildlife that lives in this world and they aren't the same creatures as those in its home world. Here, they are nothing more than normal animals...

The current shot this photographer is after is a small herd of wild deer. He was quite versed in traversing his way through the forest and over some rivers. Mew follows him from behind but doesn't face the same problems as the photographer since it can fly.

After minutes of travel, the photographer was a bit tired and went to take a break. Mew would hide behind the leaves of the tree and observe the photographer.

What the photographer packed was a thermos filled with homemade soup. As he poured a cup, he gently cooled it down with a few blows and slurped it down. As he finished half of the cup, the smell soon found its way to Mew.

In response to this aroma, Mew was intrigued by the scent alone and waited for the photographer to finish his cup. When he did, he closed the thermos, placed it on the ground, and the lid is placed on top of it as he grabbed a small container filled with water.

Whilst he's preoccupied with his water, Mew carefully uses its psychic power to gather the remainder of the soup from the lid and makes its way towards it without drawing the photographer's attention.

Once it reached Mew, it opened its mouth and ate the ball of soup. It looked pleased with the taste and hummed with approval. After it swallows the ball of soup, the photographer finishes his break, covers his water container and thermos, and continues his search for a herd of deer.

Mew would continue to follow him, but it soon sensed a malicious presence within the forest and it's not far from the photographer's position...

A Few Minutes Later

As the photographer goes deeper into the forest, he soon hears a rustle in the bushes, readies his camera, and bends down on one knee as prepares himself for a shot.

Mew remains on standby as it feels the presence of a monster nearby. As the rustling drew closer, it soon revealed the head of an adult deer. But before the photographer took the shot, he soon learned that the head was in the jaws of an enlarged and monstrous bear.

The photographer paled as he lowered his camera and donned a frightened look on his face. If that bear had spotted him, it may as well be the end for him.

For Mew, it was concerned as it felt the photographer's fear towards the bear. But it remains hidden until the bear finds him hiding in the bushes.

After the monstrous bear chomps the deer's head, it proceeds to sniff its surroundings while the Photograph tries to control his composure and silently leaves the area. What gave him away was his foot stepping on an unlucky stick and making an audible crack that passed through the bear's ears.

The monstrous bear turns to him, stands on its own two feet, and lets out a ferocious roar which causes the photographer to stutter, then makes a run for it. The Bear gives chase and the Photographer is forced to lighten the weight by dropping the bag that contained his thermos and water container.

Mew follows the two but uses its psychic powers to carry the photographer's bag since it plans to return it after the chase is over. The only thing that he hasn't dropped is his camera as it was something he refused to drop due to its origins.

As the chase continues, the photographer's luck seemingly runs out as the front of his foot is caught by a root and sends him falling to the ground. All while still protecting the camera he carries around.

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