just breathe - soap

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"It's okay. Don't look at that. Just breathe." Soap said over and over. Was his mantra keeping him sane?

"Are they- Soap- Are they out there?" I asked. We'd both surely die if enemies were approaching us to make sure the job was done.

"I don't- I don't know."

"Focus Johnny." I snapped. I needed to stay calm. I needed to stay level headed. I had taken beatings. I had been shot. I had been stabbed. I would not die to this. I looked around at my surroundings once again. Smaller shards of glass surrounded me. My body was cold, doing it's best to preserve energy? I didn't know. Somethings were hard to think about. Despite the chills running through me, I could feel some heat. The vehicle was on fire. We needed to get out. My side of the vehicle was on the ground and Soap was hanging, buckled tightly into the driver's seat. He was okay. No fatal injuries. Cut's here and there, probably a concussion. His head was bleeding and there was a gash on his right shoulder, but he was relatively okay.

"Johnny, we need to get out of here. You need to go first. I can't- You need to see if they're out there." I let out a sob.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." He said. He listened to my instructions and grabbed the closest gun he could find. Careful not to step or hurt me further, he crawled out of the truck and disappeared from my vision. I wondered if I had just sent him to his death. Would I ever see him again? Though he seemed relatively fine on the outside, what if there were worse injuries inside?

I tried not to move, but I couldn't help but flinch at the sound of gunshots. "Johnny." I let out a small sob. Had I just sent the man I loved out to die? I felt sick. I should have said something to him first. I should have told him I loved him.

The gunshots ceased and the surrounding area fell eerily silent, save for the crackle of the fire. The fire. I had forgotten about the fire. I slowly moved to release the buckle. I was getting worried with how long it was taking Soap to get back to me. There was another final gunshot which made tears form in my eyes.

"(Y/n)! Hey, okay, we gotta get you out of here, but you gotta move as little as possible." Soap said, appearing in front of me. He was okay. Thank the heavens. His mind had seemed to clear and he was working in over drive. Protective. Strong. A soldier.

He helped drag me out of the truck as carefully as possible. It hurt. Fuck, it hurt so bad. I prayed to the universe that the additional damage that was surely being done wasn't going to lead to my death. Soap didn't drag me to far away from truck before searching for something to put me on. We both knew it wasn't good to move me in a way that would move my body. We couldn't risk it. I looked up to the sky as Soap rushed around looking for anything. Black smoke seemed to stain the fluffy white clouds. I could hear Soap calling into a radio, begging for any sort of assistance. An evacuation team. A medic. The rest of our task force. I could hear the crack in his voice as he told Price he didn't know what to do, hoping that our captain was listening.

I was getting tired. Exhaustion was creeping through my bones. I did my best to stay awake, but I couldn't help letting sleep consume me when my eyes closed. Soap must have found something to move me because when I woke up I was within the tree line, a fire lit and Soap's tattered jacket draped over me. Soap wasn't around. I slowly moved my hand to feel that the glass was still impaled through my skin. It hurt to breathe. There were bandages carefully wrapped around my injuries.

"Johnny?" I weakly called out. No answer. I listened to the crickets and cicadas chirp. There was an opening through the treetops where I could watch the stars. Despite my pain, and the lingering threat of death, I was at peace. It was calming.

"You're awake." Johnny's voice sounded relieved as he approached me. He sat near my head and grabbed my face in his hands. Tears were in his eyes. "I was so scared you were gonna die. You've been out for about 36 hours and-"

cod x reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora