spider - ghost

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y/n's callsign is "Spider" in this chapter


"Alright, you muppets, I'm bringing someone new onto the 141." Price told the others.

"Really?" Gaz asked. It wasn't in protest. They all knew better than to judge or question Captain's orders. His voice alone sent shivers down one's spine. The commanding and natural leadership he held easily induced trust among the men. What he said, goes.

Price nodded. "A special force operator. Gonna make our lives a whole lot easier in the field."

"Got a file for us to look at?" Soap asked with a smile. If he was being honest, he was excited. He loved meeting new people, and getting another teammate was always fun.

"Not on hand." Price said, shaking his head. "But I can tell you she's one of the best. Top of the field and not one to be taken lightly."

"Anything else you can tell us?" Gaz questioned.

"She doesn't talk much and her callsign is 'Spider'." He said. His radio crackled to life and someone else on base called for him through the static. He nodded at the team before exiting the small room.

"Well this is exciting, isn't it?" Soap asked. A big smile plastered his face as he turned to Ghost. "What do you think she'll be like?" He questioned.

"I bet the Lieutenant and newbie will become best of friends. If she doesn't talk much then that means she won't annoy him. They can just sit in silence and sulk all day." Gaz teased.

Soap chuckled and Ghost shot them both a look.

"A teammate's a teammate. Friendship isn't in the rulebook." Ghost grunted before walking out of the room.

"Awe come on, L.T.! We know you love us! Best friends till the end!" Soap called after him. Ghost only rolled his eyes and continued on to find something to do.

He did however wonder what the new teammate would be like. Many people had the callsign 'Spider' and since he didn't get an actual name he wouldn't be able to do much research to try and figure out who it was.

Sure, he trusted Price. He trusted all the members of the 141, but that trust didn't come easy. Past trauma had made him cold and hard, finding solace and comfort behind the big stone walls that he put up. Not very many people could hop it and earn that trust.

He tried really hard to not make friends. This was a dangerous job after all. Friendship would just cause more pain when it was ripped away from him. He didn't believe he deserved the happiness that came with friendship, and the few friends he had made gave him too much anxiety over the idea of not being able to protect them. He couldn't protect his friends in the past, and he didn't want to make that mistake again.

He had caused not only himself pain by not protecting his friends, but he had caused their families pain. And he could only blame himself.

So he kept everyone at a distance. He figured it would be better to be alone than to feel the guilt and pain of having to hurt those he cared about.

And that was what he planned to do with the new recruit. Keep her at a distance.

The 141 stood in a line on the tarmac awaiting the arrival of the new member of their team. They had watched the plane land with supplies and other soldiers. The back had opened up and people were swarming the area doing their tasks.

On either side of Ghost, Soap and Gaz were buzzing with excitement. It was like meeting a new kid at school. Ghost thought they were overreacting, but then again, they hadn't really met anyone new or interacted with people outside of their team in a while.

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