kiss me better - price

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uh, this book has way more reads than i thought it would have... also i didn't know how to end this chapter so its kinda shitty. im really tired. sorry


In Soap's defense, he really didn't think this would have been the conclusion. He didn't expect her to get completely distracted when he called out a greeting. They had been trained for half their lives to not get distracted by little things, so he didn't actually expect her to turn her head and let her guard down.

But he had seen how the corners of her mouth would turn up when he entered a room, how she seemed to listen a little more carefully to him when he spoke, and how she always seemed to have a slight pink tint to her cheeks when he looked at her. Soap had noticed little things. Minute details that would normally go unchecked. He hadn't ever asked her what it was about, assumed she would tell him and the others when she was ready, but it didn't stop him from wondering. It didn't stop his smug smile when he noticed some of the same details in the other party member.

He thought that maybe calling out his name would make her freeze for just a split second. Just enough to give Ghost the upper hand. They had been sparring for the better half of an hour, a small group had formed and bets were being placed. Ghost is scary and intimidating, not many people willingly throw themselves in a ring with him, but she was ambitious. She was feisty, quick, and scrappy. She knew how to hold her own. Her confidence in her abilities often walked the tight line that separated it from cockiness, it often placed her in some kind of trouble. But she was a good match for Ghost. They balanced each other out in different abilities, giving each other a great opponent to practice against.

It was also entertaining.

Though they couldn't see it, Ghost surely would have a good-sized bruise against the left side of his jaw. She found her openings easily, and that happened to be one of them. Each time she landed a blow to the same spot, the crowd would cringe in pain, as if they could feel it. It also probably didn't help that the hard mask would press into Ghost with each blow, adding more to the impact. That of course didn't mean she wouldn't have bruises of her own. Ghost had gotten a good land on her nose, resulting in a few drops of blood to stain her shirt and most likely a black eye upon waking up tomorrow morning. There was also going to be a good bruise on her hip where she had landed when he flipped her over his shoulder from where she was on his back.

Despite the growing list of bruises and the threat of a more severe injury, neither had stopped. Not once. Both of them were too stubborn to give up. Neither wanted to wave the white flag and give the other satisfaction. They wouldn't have it. Refused to stew in the misery of embarrassment.

But Soap had money on the line. He wasn't often a betting man In fact, he was pretty much banned from betting anywhere but with a small select people on base, mainly Gaz who knew he was always going to win the bet. Soap was just bad at betting. Almost never won. People made a point to make sure he bet before them so they could do the opposite.

And Soap was starting to get worried. Ghost was getting frustrated and tired. His pick to win was showing signs of slowing down. He couldn't let her get the upper hand. Soap couldn't lose again.

So, he thought that maybe he could use his observations to his advantage. It wasn't cheating, technically.

He had noticed the Captain getting close to the group and before Soap could think it through the words left his mouth.

"Hey, Captain!" He called out. Price turned to look at him with a smile which quickly started to drop. Soap's head snapped back around to watch the moment of disaster as it played out in slow motion for him.

She had turned her head at the mention of Price. There had been countless shouts and attempts to distract either opponent and she hadn't given any of them the time of day, she had tuned them all out. But unconscious selective hearing was a bitch and at the mention of the Captain, she couldn't help but tear her eyes off of Ghost who was charging at her like a bull on steroids.

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