don't tell them anything - gaz

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brief mentions of sa while torture but like nothing explicit and nothing really happens besides y/n being forced to take off her top


Gaz would give anything to be back on that stupid beat-up old couch on base. He wanted nothing more than to be watching some geek movie marathon with her snuggled up into his side as they demolished a bowl of popcorn.

His head turned and examined the room they were in. Tied up to some metal chair the only warmth he was receiving was her body tied up behind him. It did little to soothe him, but he could barely feel her slow labored breaths, the only indication that she was still with him.

"Lucky?" He would whisper every few moments that passed by. She was still out cold. Bad intel was a killer among those who worked in this line of duty. They had been beaten badly before, but this was the first time Gaz and (y/n) had ever been taken hostage before.

It was eerie. Absolutely terrifying. They had been trained to handle the most horrifying of things to not be fazed by the darkness of the world. They were the ones to keep peace behind the scenes so the rest of the world could stay oblivious and happy.

But at this moment Gaz started to question himself. Was he strong enough to handle this?

A low groan came from behind him.

"Lucky?" He called out. His breathing had picked up its pace. His chest swelled with a mixture of worry and relief. "Hey, come on. How copy?" He asked softly.

"Gaz," She groaned. "My head hurts."

Gaz couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Yeah. You were hit pretty hard."

"How long have I been out?"

"I think a few hours. I was out for a while too. Don't remember being put in here." He admitted. "No one has been round."


"Yeah. I'm assuming now that we are both awake they'll be around soon enough." He felt her lean back and rest her head against him. He instinctively pulled against his restraints so that his fingertips brushed against her hands.

"I'm gonna have a nasty case of rope burn around my wrists by the time the old man comes to save us." She said sarcastically.

"Don't think Price would like you calling him an old man." He smiled. He didn't know how she did it, but even in the toughest times, she had a sense of humor.

"Yeah, well don't tell him." She said. "He's probably going to yell at us for making a stupid mistake that put us in here, I'd rather not be yelled at for anything else."

"My lips are sealed." He promised. He opened his mouth to say something else, but footsteps down the hallway on the other side of the door caught their attention.

The heavy door opened with a high-pitched squeal and in walked a bunch of Russian guards. They lined up, big guns pointed at the pair of hostages. A smaller man walked in, the smile on his face was like that of a movie villain. It was clear that he was the one in charge.

"Hey, come on now. Let the lady in on the fun." Lucky teased. Gaz had been the one facing the door, so she hadn't seen any of the enemies.

The head honcho chuckled and gave a nod. One of the guards moved and violently moved her chair so that they were both facing the line of Russians.

"Mind turning me back? You guys aren't as pretty of a picture as I thought you'd be."

"Lucky," Gaz warned. As comforting as her sarcasm was, it definitely wasn't going to help their situation.

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