"Come on, I won't be in the way. Plus, I also have friends in Belfast."

"How did you know that's where we needed to go?", Opie lifted a brow in question and my gentle giant stood over me with this dark look. It was out of character for him except that time that he nearly killed a guy for me. "I never told you that's where we needed to go. It was a hunch, and it wasn't even something we discussed."

Delilah came over and handed him a file that basically detailed everything they knew about Abel's disappearance up until now. He gave her a look but she just shrugged and gestured to me as if it was super obvious that I was the mafia head's daughter to Opie. He didn't know and I wasn't about to announce it any time soon.

"I know you have money and can waste it as well as your time but don't go snooping. It's not appreciated around here. It could seriously get you hurt, Alanna."

He spoke with intention, maybe to scare or just maybe for me to take heed, but I felt that gut feeling of mine turn just a few more flips.

I nodded my understanding.

"I did it for you, Opie. And for Jax... I don't know if you notice but I'm not doing this, so you'll owe me again later. I actually care about you."

Delilah took back the file and retreated near a car which the curly haired bandit had slid under just a few minutes prior. He slid out and whistled, trying to get a peek under her shorts. She kicked him making him hit his head as he tried to sit up and get a better view.

"If you just want the ride, and for me to leave and never turn back. Let me know now. But if I go with you, just know I'm not sticking around to snoop or do favors to stay in your good graces, but I want us to be something."

Opie glanced over his shoulder and I followed his line of sight. The guy from earlier was giving us a dry look but he turned away once I locked eyes with him. He had been welcoming before but now his energy had flipped. I turned back to Opie and pulled him close to throw off Clay.

"Is he the reason you're worried for me?"

Opie just hugged me tighter, confirming my thoughts.

"Don't worry, Opie. Nothing and no one could hurt a girl like me," I whispered into his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek and walking off.

After an hour or two, the guys were ready to board the plane once Charles' pilot showed up. We had drove to the airport to board privately and it was pretty easy especially since had they gone through the actual airport then they'd be flagged.

I talked with the pilot as everyone got settled. Delilah came into the cabin and decided to be his co-pilot which was funny cause I remember when she first started flying with her dad. She'd cry about being too high but now it was the most fun she had ever had.

I sat near Opie and we talked for majority of the ride even though they had several amenities where you could play video games, watch a movie, and even shower or sleep at the back of the plane. I found out a lot about Opie and it filled in some memories from his file that weren't his character but it made sense once you heard the whole story.

"You have friends in Belfast?", Jax wondered.

"My dad loved to travel so we have homes all throughout the world. Missy and Kalia are two women who could whip ass and cook at the same time without making a mess. They were my tutors for my secondary years which I learned Russian, Gaelic, Latin, and Mandarin also how to whip ass and cook."

"How old are you?", Clay asked, seemingly into the movie that Juice had put on but turned to us even though his eyes were glued to the screen.

"I'm 23. I'll be 24 in four months."

"And you just so happen to have $20k in the safe to give Opie and a private jet that looks like it could buy our whole life back home? What do you want with a bunch of small town boys like us?", he sounded so condescending when he spoke to me that it was insulting.

"Clay, don't talk to her like that."

"It's okay, Opie. He has his opinion."

Opie looked ready to punch Clay's lights out. I set a hand on his leg and tried to calm him before my gentle giant could do any harm.

"For your information, I do. I have everything I want and then some... Am I supposed to apologize for who my parents are and where I came from? Should I be mad at Opie for being a part of this motorcycle club when he has such potential? Or should I be ignorant like you and put my thoughts and feelings over everyone else's and speak like an asshole to someone I barely know?"

I snapped out on the asshole even as his wife, Gemma, sat nearby with a glass in hand. She had been drinking for the past hour and I could see the stress slipping away. Everyone within earshot turned to us.

A moment of turbulence broke all of our focus and the lights turned on for us to snap in our seatbelts. I gladly did mine up with a nasty look in Clay's direction. He was such a bitch.

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