"How long have you known?" Eli asked quietly, his face half exposed by the dancing orange light.

"The night my parents saw you at the police station, after the fight at the Rabbit Hole." She answered,

"Who told you?"

"My dad."

"Did he tell you everything?" Eli turned to face Ava, a wary expression lingering in his gaze.

"Yes... but I also remember that night. When I was kidnapped..." She let her voice trail off as Eli could see the memories flooding back into her mind; she cleared her throat and continued. "Your mom took care of me, fed me mac and cheese. She made me feel safe, even if it was just for a few minutes. I'm sorry to hear she passed away."

Sadness and anger flickered in Eli's eyes as he realized Ava didn't know the whole truth, which he carefully masked in seconds before he paced a few feet toward the bookshelf, resting his hand against the dark wood. Silence weaved its way through the atmosphere, cloaking them like a blanket had been wrapped around their shoulders.

"Are you intimidated by me?" Eli asked abruptly, his back to the books as he strode forward, putting an overstuffed chair between them.

"No." Ava said, almost smirking in amusement. Her eyes softened briefly as she tilted her head to the left, trying to decipher the reason for Eli's question.

"Then why are you so nervous whenever I'm around?" He nodded to her hands. "You've been fidgeting with your dress since I shut the door."

"I'm not nervous around you," she scoffed, instantly smoothing the satin material down, in an attempt to cover any signs of wrinkles from the accused fidgeting.

"Oh really?" Eli tried to hide his smirk, but his eyes twinkling with humor gave him away.

"Yes, really. You have no power over me."

Ava shot daggers at Eli as he slowly stalked forward, his eyes darkening as the gap decreased in size. The temperature rose, causing the room to grow warmer by the second and not because of the roaring fire. Eli raised an eyebrow questioningly, his lips curling into a knowing smirk.

"You sure about that?" He asked, trailing a finger along the base of Ava's neck down her exposed shoulder. A shiver involuntarily spasmed down her spine and flared through the rest of her body, causing her to move closer to him without realizing it.

"Yes." She managed to say out loud, her voice strong despite the breathlessness she felt in her chest. "Absolutely."

"I think," Eli lowered his head towards her neck, his lips softly brushing against her earlobe, "that you're lying to yourself, Ava."

"Is that so?" She whispered. Eli could tell Ava was attempting to remain still, even as he circled around her.

"Mhm," he murmured, his breath lingering on her skin. "I think you're fighting desire and love because you're scared."

"Scared?" Ava lifted her hand to his chest, pushing him away slightly to look him in the eye. "Scared of what, exactly?"

"Pure happiness."

Eli's answer, spoken with confidence and warmth, shocked Ava to her core; Eli knew he was right the way that her body froze in surprise, her mind reeling as she contemplated his observation.

"What makes you think that?" She questioned him uncertainly.

"You're a Centofanti," he stated matter-of-factly as he continued to walk around her in a circle, his eyes devouring her body from top to bottom as if he could see what was underneath the red strapless ballgown. "A rival gang member coming from a wealthy family that values honor, loyalty, and family bonds. All of that means something to you."

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