The Mew Maid (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

" Go do your thang girl!", Camila hugged Cindy.  

" May I remind you to not fuck it up with this one, Lauren? Cause if you do, you better believe I will be there to comfort her.. even if I'm not a lesbian.", The three laughed, and Cindy walked over to her boyfriend.  

" She's so funny! Now I know why you say she's the realest friend you've got!", Camila says.

" Yeah, even if she's halfway drunk, she's still the most sincere person in this entire room.. well, besides yourself!"  

" Yeah, and she seems to really know you.. at least now I know you party with at least ONE sincere person!"  

" You mean USED to party with her.. because as far as I'm concerned, I'm not partying with anyone unless it includes you, and me, and our bed..", Lauren hugged Camila as she kissed her neck.

" So whenever you want to get out of here, just tell me because honestly, I'm dying to rip that dress off of you" 

" We can't leave yet, we just got here... besides, we still need to load on some drinks!", Camila said excited.

Lauren pulled back, as she opened her mouth wide, " Whoa, Miss Camila Cabello, how dare you say such thing! Are you trying to get me drunk?"  

" Hmm, I don't have to get you drunk.. all I have to do, is pull down my strap just a tad bit, and that's enough to get you crazy.."  

" Uhhh! Stop tempting me! if it was up to me... we wouldn't even be here! Hey, I have an idea.... Let's get the hell out of here, besides Cindy already saw me, and she wont even notice if we leave, she's already drunk!", Lauren whined.

" Babe, what was the point of coming, if we're not even going to enjoy ourselves..", Camila said annoyed.

" So... you want to get a few drinks.. then we can go home, pleassse?"  

" Yes, baby!"  

Lauren held on to Camilas hand as they walked over to where all the alcohol was held. Lauren mixed a drink for Camila.. It was pretty light, she wasn't sure if Camila was much of a drinker.  

" You know you could have put a little more alcohol in here.. I'm not that much of a wimp." Camila reached over for the vodka, and poured more in her cup.  

"Sorry, baby I just wasn't sure how much you could take at once.", Lauren said.

Camila playfully stuck her tongue out. 

" Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss Jauregui! Haven't seen you in what.. a day?"  Lauren turned over; it was Kaylee.. Great...!  

" Oh... Hey, Kaylee.", Lauren awkwardly waved her hand.  

"Oh, I'm sorry.. was I interrupting something..?", Kaylee smirked.  

" No, we were just getting some drinks, care to join us?", Camila confronted Kaylee, but her tone in voice went from shy to dominant, and Lauren couldn't help and think how sexy Camila's voice sounded.  

" Oh, but of course, and your name is?", Kaylee raised an eyebrow, as she stuck her hand out to Camila. 

" I'm Camila, Lauren's girlfriend...", Camila raised her head proudly, and she knew exactly who Kaylee was.  

" Oh, girlfriend? Well.. I never thought I'd see the day that you'd have a girlfriend.", Kaylee turned to Lauren. 

" Yeah, well, things change... So yeah, enjoy your drink. Camila, and I have to head back home..", Lauren tried to grab Camilas hand, but she just stood still, not moving an inch.

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