She was wearing a gorgeous grin, but hearing the murmuring of guests surrounding her made her nervous. Many of the ladies had come to ask her about Sameer's arrival in the last hour, but she could only smile because she didn't know anything about him.

Vaani's Pov

After nearly an hour of waiting, everyone heard someone walking upstairs, and shock washed over their faces. People are whispering loudly and some are even looking at me with sympathy as I gaze around.

When I look around, I notice people peering down the stairwell and then looking at me with amazement and
sadness. My gaze is drawn to Anvik, who is staring at me with a blank expression.

I take a step back from the altar to investigate what is going on. I see him walking upstairs in a lovely sherwani as soon as I reach the top of the stairs. I beam at him and rush over to hug him.

"Where were you, Sameer? You know I was trying to call you since yesterday, but your phone was not reachable. You know how I once told you about, the instincts I have,
indicating that something will go wrong, I had those types of instincts the whole yesterday! But look you are here now, and I am finally at peace. Let's go now and get married!" I take his hand in mine and start to go towards the altar, but he stops me. I turn to look at him, to see someone else holding his hand from the other side which is stopping him from moving.

I approach closer to him and am taken aback by what I see over his shoulder. I take a step back in horror, my eyes bulging out of their sockets as I stare at them.

This must be some sort of twisted prank. What exactly is Kaya Didi doing with her hand in Sameer? And why is she wearing a bridal gown? And why is Sameer staring at her... with such love in his eyes?

I'm going to be miserable. My breathing quickens and tears well up in my eyes as I try to process what I've just witnessed.

"Sameer... what happened, why did you do this to me... I... love you. I had given my heart and soul—and my entire being—to you because I honestly loved you with all of my being, I thought we would live a happy life and you... why did do this to me, Sameer..."

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked at both of them, my heart pounding as I watched Sameer lovingly holding her hand and kissing the back of her hand. My sobs become more strident, and I collapse to the ground, unable to stop them.

As I sit here, tears streaming down my cheeks, I feel the weight of my heartbreak like an anchor pulling me deeper into despair. It's as if a storm has unleashed inside me, and I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow. Every breath feels like a struggle as if I'm gasping for air in a world that has suddenly turned cold and dark.

My chest aches with a pain that is both physical and emotional, as though someone has torn my heart into a thousand shattered pieces. Each shard of my broken heart is a reminder of the love that once filled my life, now reduced to memories that haunt my every waking moment.

My body trembles with each sob, and I clutch at my chest as if trying to hold onto the last vestiges of what once was. The pain is so intense that it feels as though I'm being torn apart from the inside out. I can't escape the torment of my thoughts, replaying the moments when everything fell apart and when the love I thought was eternally crumbled into dust.

Summoning every ounce of strength I have left, I manage to push myself up. My trembling legs barely support me as I stand, but I refuse to let my vulnerability show any longer. As I collect the tattered remains of my composure, I glance towards them, hoping to find some remorse or empathy in their eyes, but there's nothing – not even a hint of regret.

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