"The target tomorrow..." I muttered, my voice breaking. "that's them isn't it?" I continued my voice shaking. 

Bianca nodded softly as her jaw clenched.

"But we are one step ahead and I promise you Violet. I promise you I won't let him take your family from you" Bianca's voice became shaky as she reached for my hand, squeezing it softly.

"But there's somebody's help we need." She stated as she stood up and began walking to the door. I hesitantly trailed behind her as I pulled my knife out from the wall.

Bianca and I travelled through the dark alleys hidden within the shadows, concealed from the gaze of the city as we continued our way. My gaze was unable to stop darting the streets as my heart thumped within my aching chest.

"You know you missed me" Bianca said as we began travelling up an abandoned and dimly lit fire escape.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"When you threw your knife, you missed me," She explained.

"I wasn't trying to hit you; I was trying to warn you" I replied as we reached the top of the staircase.

A soft smile tugged at her lips as she turned to me.

"You really are as badass as I have heard," she proclaimed as she walked over to a steel door.

"I am so dumb" She shouted, rolling her eyes before knocking on the door. I furrowed my brows as I reached again for my knife.

"I'm surprised you remembered the code word" Lev chuckled as he opened the door causing Bianca to roll her eyes. He pulled Bianca into a hug before his soft gaze settled on me with a smile.

"Tiny" He exclaimed as he smiled at me. Bianca and I stepped into the apartment as he closed the door behind us.

"Lev?" I questioned as I looked over to Bianca, she nodded assuringly but my hand remained by my side incase I needed my knife.

"I'm sorry for the cryptic codeword before but I knew Roman was going to pull you into his office and I had to try and warn you before" He explained. I nodded weakly as my eyes darted around the apartment, it was fairly empty and dilapidated. Only furnished with a tv, couch and a big black steel container. I looked over to the walls, pictures- old pictures of a younger Lev and a little girl with black hair. A picture of them remained framed by the couch, a picture of them kicking a soccer ball around.

"I don't understand," I muttered. "You work for Roman" I said.

"No," Lev said as his gaze became gloomy. "I worked for his father but after- everything I was forced to stay at his side" Lev explained as his gaze danced to that picture of him and that little girl.

"I could never work for that piece of shit," Lev huffed his voice going deep as if reliving memories he had spend so long repressing.

"Don't worry Violet, he has been scheming with me from the start of it all, he is no friend of Roman" Bianca explained as I nodded.

"I caught Violet up to speed but we need to go over the plan for tomorrow, we don't have much time left and I know Roman is going to notice her missing from her apartment at some point soon." Bianca stated as Lev walked over to the black box.

"Leo arrived in Italy 10 hours ago and Malik got here not long after, as far as Roman knows they travelled alone." Lev stated as he unlocked the box. My heart fluttered knowing that Malik is here, knowing that he is so close both made my heart flutter and ache in fear.

"We don't know their exact whereabouts but they are staying concealed well. Roman plans for the mission to go down at sunset tomorrow and between now and then Violet neither Bianca or I can have any sort of  communication with you–" Lev continued.

"What?" I interrupted as Lev exchanged glances with Bianca. "You expect me to pretend to go along with Romans plan?" I asked as I clenched my jaw.

"It's the only way Violet. If Roman knows something is going on or that you know something he won't hesitate to kill us all and kill them." Lev explained. I sucked in a deep shaky breath as I gritted my teeth.

"I'm sorry Violet, I really am. I wish there was another way but this is the least risky," Lev apologised as he smiled weakly at me.    "but you have to go back to your apartment and act like everything is okay and tomorrow when Roman arrives to send you on that mission you cant say a word." Lev responds as he picks up a black handgun and passes it to me.

"I'll be right behind you the whole time Violet" Bianca assures as she smiles softly.

"Now lets go over this plan" Bianca states as she sits down on the couch. 

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