Chapter 11

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Btw theres only the slightest bit of talk about what happened

"Kaminari it's time to go" Shinsou says knocking on the wall outside of my slightly opens bathroom door.

Shinsou wouldn't allow me to be in my bathroom alone, so as long as the door was cracked slightly while I was getting ready for school, would I be allowed in my bathroom alone.

That's one thing I didn't expect him to do when he found out, but here we are. "One second!" I call back "I'm almost done" quickly putting on the last bit of eyeliner, (cuz who doesn't love Denki with eyeliner) I pull the door open.

"Okay we can go now" I start walking towards the door. "Wait" I look back at Shinsou, "aren't you forgetting somthing?"

Forget? What did I forget? I look around my room. Maybe he's just messing with me. "No?" I hear him chuckle slightly as he grabs my bag from the corner of the room.

"Ohhhhhhh, opps" I give a smile and a slight laugh. He hands me the bag and I gladly take it, are fingers brushing every so slightly, making my heart flutter. I turn around quickly, feeling my face heat up.

"N-now let's go" I put on my backpack and walk out the door, Shinsou following.

I quickly walk towards the elevator knowing Shinsou is behind me, but why did my face heat up? Am I sick or something? No I can't be sick. It happened when our fingers touched... but why?

(Time skip brought to you by this cat, because I'm still lazy and I don't want to write how the school day went)

"Hey" pressure reaches my shoulder and I look over to see Shinsou tapping me on the shoulder, "did you not hear the bell ring for lunch?" Oh

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"Hey" pressure reaches my shoulder and I look over to see Shinsou tapping me on the shoulder, "did you not hear the bell ring for lunch?" Oh... wait... don't tell me I zoned out again. I probably did. Oh well.

"Oh my bad, must have zoned out in class again" I see Shinsou's face turn into a slight worried expression so I quickly add "you know my brain can't hold that much information... it was to much to process" I give him a smile and stand up from my seat.

"Whatever you say, but let's go to lunch" he says as he starts walking out of the room, only to look back at me, "you coming or what?" I quickly walk over and place myself beside Shinsou.

"So does that mean we're friends now?" I say as we start to walk down the hall way, towards the cafeteria. "Sure" Shinsou responds blankly as he looks straight forward.

I know that wasn't much of an answer, but him agreeing to us being friends makes me happy. Now my goal I made ever since I met him is complete. I made have finally him my friend.

"Sooo... you going to sit with me and my friends on your own free will?" I say as a joke. Last time he sat with me was because he said something about owing me for getting him out of our mob of classmates.

"Sadly" he say as we walk into the cafeteria. "Hey! That's not nice!" I lightly hit him on the shoulder and when he looks at me I give him a pouty face and stick my tongue out.

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