Chapter 7

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Denkis pov:

"Mina!" Running up to Mina I put my hands on her shoulders and jump frantically in the air.

I just found the most funniest cat video on tic tok, and I want to show her. To be honest this might be the best one I've found yet.

"What is it Kami?" Mina asks, getting a bunch of excitement from the excitement that's radiating off of me. I pull out my phone and go onto tic tok, pulling up the video that I found earlier today.

"You got to see this video I found! It's amazingly funny!" I say with probably the most excitement I've had all week, maybe even all month, I don't keep track anymore.

"Kami... if it's another one of your cat videos then go to kiri, he'll probably watch it with you" ouch, she could of at least let me down slowly. That was a mood kill. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch the funniest cat videos that I can find. I'm positive that I find good ones too.

"Fine, have it your way then Mina." I storm off to go find kirishima, at least he'll watch the cat videos that I find. He's a good friend "Wait no, Kami, I didn't mean it in a hurtful way!! Come back" I hear Mina call from behind me.

But I don't listen, I walk away and don't look back. "Im gonna find kiri, at least he's nice to me!" I yell back at Mina as I go look for him.

I not actually mad at Mina, I know she's knows this so I'm not worried about if she's feels bad, I knows she doesn't.

Somehow make it to our school. Walking around the hallways, not really knowing where am going, I bump into someone. "Oops my bad, sorry." I say looking at at whoever I bumped into and giving them a what I would say reassuring smile.

"Oh well isn't it the dumb one of class 1A" wait I know that voice... only one person would say that too. And with that tone in his voice, I can tell who it is without even looking at them.


What does he want? He's probably just here to make some mean comments about me and my classmates. That's all he normally does. Looking up at monoma, I can see that smile he's put on his face, it's not a good one, you can tell that he means bad by justlooking at it.

"What do you want?" I ask giving him an expression face. I don't want to show any emotion in my face, it'll only make it worse if I do.

"So harsh, I know your part of class 1A and think you better than everyone else, but seriously, are you that stupid to realize your at the very bottom. There's no way your going to be a good hero, especially since your too dumb to realize." 

One. He's wrong, when have I ever felt better than everyone else?

And two, at least he's right, I'm not going to be a good hero...

I'm still surprised I got into this school. I mean, this school is meant for the best, the next generation of hero's. Yeah I was happy about it, it felt amazing, being able to go to the school you've wanted to for years and becoming a hero. Who wouldn't want that? But only when i started school here, did I realize how much of that was just a dream. There's no way I could become a hero.

Thinking I could become a hero, I just simply don't have the talent... I wonder why I haven't been kicked out so that someone else that's better than me could take my place.

"Are you just going to ignore me?!" I hear monoma screech, I see him giving me a look of disgust.

"If that's all your gonna say, then yes" I respond back, too tired to give a shit about what he has to say. I don't want to deal with him today.

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