Chapter 9

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!Tw: there's going to be a Tw at the very beginning. I let you know when its over!

Denkis pov:

I rush into my bathroom and lock the door quickly. Hurriedly taking my shirt off and tossing it to who knows where. I take off the already bandages on my arms as fast as I can.

My unfocused eyes quickly scan for the box, the small black box still sitting on the floor from earlier. I sit down beside where the door opens, and grab the box that happens to be next to some blood on the floor.

I open the box. Looking at all the blades I stop for a moment, do I really want to do this? No. No I do not, but it's like my body's acting on its own as I reach for a blade.

Moving the box out of the way I take the blade and bring it down onto the already cut skin. I push down, but before I could cut down I stop. Hearing a very familiar voice that seems so far way. "KAMINAIR!! I KNOW YOUR IN HERE!"

It seems so loud but too far away to be loud. It's like their there, but also not there. I cant even tell if this is real. With that thought I take the blade that's already pushed into my skin and bring it down, making streams of blood.

The feeling of relief comes over me, as I watch as I make new cuts and almost all the new cuts that I touch reopen. I move onto my other arm wanting the same feeling there too.

The door to my bathroom jiggles but doesn't open, then I hear soft bangs on the door, not too loud but can be easily hear. I then hear a soft voice come from the other side of the door.

"Kaminari, please open the door. I need to know if your okay." Wait. Is that Shinsou? Why would he be here? I mean I did run off on him but why would he follow me to my room? Did I leave my door unlocked again. I probably did, after all I'm just a idiot, as everyone else would say.

I feel the tear fall down my face, have those been there? When did they start? I don't even know. The only thing I know is that I'm a mess, and I can't Have Shinsou see me right now. What would he think?

Wait. He can't see me. He can't see what I've done.

I quickly stand up, but right when I get up I fall over hitting my back against the wall and falling to my knees. I accidentally let out a small whimper, my hand quickly goes to my mouth, covering it from any more noise.

"Kaminari! A-are you okay? Please I need to know. Open this door!" Maybe if I just wait, Shinsou would leave and we could pretend this never happened.

"If you don't open this door, or at least talk to me, I'm going to get Mr. Aizawa to do it for me." Nope. Can't have that happening. As much as I really don't want to respond, I force something to come out of me.

"S-shin-sou? W-what d-do yo-ou n-ne-ed?" I ask my voice being shaky and out of breath. All of a sudden everything goes away. My mind goes blank. What is happening?

I feel my arm start to move on its own and it reaches towards the door. Wait. No. What am I doing. He can't see me like this. My hand goes to the unlock on the door and unlocks the door. My hand then goes back into my lap, and that's when all of my feeling comes back.

The no longer relief feeling is there, and is instead replaced by a feeling of stinging pain. I let out a few sobs but I don't move to cover my mouth this time, it's too hard to move.

(The cutting it over here but there is still the aftermath effect, so be warned)

"Kaminari I'm coming in, if you don't want me to just say something now" I hear Shinsou say from still on the other side of my door.

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