Chapter 6

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I love this photo so much and I don't know why it's just so cuteeeeee.


Denkis pov:

As soon as the elevator doors open I immediately feel eyes on me.

As I walk out I look down at the ground avoiding eye contact from any one that looks at me. The feeling of their eyes on me start to make me uncomfortable.

"Hey, you good?" I hear Shinsou ask from beside me. I look up at him and nod, not really feeling like talking anymore. "We can go back to my room if you want" Shinsou says.

"No, don't worry I'm good" I say giving Shinsou a small smile. I walk over to the kitchen. I can feel Shinsou following me. Since it's a Monday we normally eat dinner together as a class.

I walk into the kids and grab a plate seeing as some of my classmates made spaghetti for dinner. I normally don't help seeing as the last time I tried to help i almost burnt down the kitchen.

I smile at the memory of me trying to help take the rice out and into a bowl, but instead of the bowl it ended up all over the floor. Scaring me as Bakugo yells at me, I jumped back and turned on the gas stove we had, so it went up in flames, barley burning my arm in the process.

I fill up my plate and I watch as Shinsou does the same. Me and Shinsou walk over to the table where all of the class would sit at. Thankfully we're not the last ones there, so I sat at the end of the table, to try and avoid my friends stares.

I see Shinsou sit next to me. But I also feel the stares of all of my classmate. I look down at the table feeling really uncomfortable.

I feel a nudge on my leg, I look at my leg a realize that it was Shinsou nudging me with his leg. I look up at Shinsou and seeing him giving me a concerning look.

He must have noticed me feeling uncomfortable, I don't know how he does that but I give him a smile telling him that I'm okay. I turn my head away from him, and my eyes immediately lock with kirishima.

Kirishima gives me a sad look, a look that makes my heart break. Why does he look so sad? Maybe it's because I on the complete other side of the table.

Am I the reason he's sad?

Of course I am. I'm always the reason.

I look away, not wanting to meet his eyes anymore. I stare down at my plate of food. Not feeling hungry anymore.

Why do I always have to make people sad. I don't want kiri to be sad, he's my best friend. If he's sad then that just makes me sad. No one likes a sad kiri. Why do i always do things wrong?

"Kaminari" I hear, turning to look at Shinsou who whispered my name. "Are you gonna eat?" He says in a whisper.

"I don't... really feel hungry anymore" I answer him. It's not like I'm lying, I really don't fell hungry anymore.

"Kaminari, you need to eat, you skip lunch today and haven't had anything since, I don't know if you've had breakfast or not, but still that's  not enough, so please try to eat." Shinsou whispers to me giving me a concern look.

I give Shinsou a nod, but I don't understand why Shinsou would care that much about me. He's been so nice to me this whole day, and we don't even really know each other. "Yeah I'll try" giving Shinsou a small smile, I turn my attention to my plate of food.

I pick up my fork and start to play around with my food. It's true that I haven't had any food today, but looking at my plate, I don't feel hungry. I start to swirl my food around in circles starting at it.

Don't worry (depressed denki x Shinsou Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz