Chapter 6 The Emerald Forest

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Authors note( I'm leaving Rens fight with the snakes out for now as I'm not confident to have Pyrrha talking while having Ren fight but later on when I complete vol1 I'll come back to this chapter and add it in)

As Yang is walking through the forest she enters a swamp and the fog settels in around her.

"Hellooooooooo?" Yang says

A black figure goes past Yang but she doesn't notice it as she continues walking in the swamp.

"Is anyone out there hellooooooo I'm getting bored here."Yang says as there is a rustle in the bushes behind her

"Is someone there Ruby is that you?" Yang says going to the bushes and looks around until she here growling as she looks up

"Nope" Yang says as she rolls out of the way as a Grimm tries to slash her with its claws

Yang readys her gauntlets as she does a back flip to doge the Grimm yet again as it charges her. A second Grimm shows up and charges her but she hits it in the chest with her gauntlet as a firery dust is left behind. The other Grimm charges her as she uppercuts the Grimm and jumps up shooting behind her as she kicks it back.

"You guys wouldn't happend to have seen a girl in a red hood would you?" Yang asks the two bear like Grimm as they growl at her

"Could just say no!" Yang says as she dodges the first Grimms attack as she does a backflip to dodge its attack again.

"Aah hahaha geez you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba--." Yang stops as she watches a single straind of her hair fall infront of her as she watches it hit the ground

"You... you monster!" Yang exclames as she activities her semblance as her eyes turn red and flames burst around her body

Yang charges at the Grimm as she uses hits the first Grimm in the stomach and uppercuts it as it goes flying she uses her gauntlets shoots them behind her to boost her self and starts to beat the first Grimm.

"Ah huh ah aaah hyuuh!" Yang grunts out as she punches the first Grimm into the trees

Yang turn around and look at the other Grimm as it starts to approach her.

"What you want some too?!" Yang says to the Grimm

The Grimm growls at Yang as it stands on its heind legs as it is stabbed in the back. As it falls Blake is standing behind the downed Grimm as her and Yang stare at each other. Blake pulls her weapon back by the ribbon and catches it smirking at Yang.

"I could of taken him." Yang says as the Grimm starts to dissolve

The scene changes to (M/N) as he jumps in the air and slashes a Grimms head off.

"Heh man you guys never let up." (M/N) says as he readys his sword for another attack

As the Grimm charge (M/N) he runs at the them and slides under one of the Grimms legs as he slashes it as he slides. He turns around and pulls out his pistol and starts shooting the Grimm as he kills three more with his pistol he looks around to see a Ursa Grimm looking at him.

"Oh you want some big fella" (M/N) says as he drops his sword and gets in a fighting position

The Ursa charges at (M/N) as he dodges the first slash and hits the Ursa in the chest as he runs and jumps on the Ursa and beats it to death. He looks around for anymore Grimm as he walks back and picks up his sword.

"Whew alright gotta get to the temple." (M/N) says as he runs in a direction

As Weiss blocks a attack from the Grimm she slides back as she is surrounded by multiple Grimm.

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