Chapter 5 The First Step part 2

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The scene opens up to a beautiful opening of forest and mountains as a bird is flying Ruby hits it as she is falling into the forest.

"Birdy no!" Ruby says as she shoots her gun to slow down her fall as she changes Crescent Rose into its scythe mode and uses it to twirl around a branch to leap herself forward

Weiss uses her glyphs to step on them as she hops to next one as she decends into the forest. Ren uses his weapons as he uses it to twirl around a tree peeling the bark of the tree as he decends down it. There is a explosion in the distance as Ren looks up and sees Yang firing her gauntlets to boost her self forward.

"Woohoo." Yang says as she continues to use her gauntlets to fly forward as she turns around and goes through some leaves as she hops down using the trees going to tree to tree until she lands on the ground

"Nailed it." Yang says

(M/N) is gliding through the air as he uses his sword and plants it in a tree as he slides down it he does a flip and lands on the ground with a smirk

"Oh I'm awesome." (M/N) says as he looks around his surroundings as he takes off in a direction

Pyrrha is using her shield as she bashes through trees she does a flip as she turns her spear into a gun and sees Juane falling as she turns it back into a spear and tosses it at Jaune.

"Thank you!!" Jaune says from a distance

"I'm sorry!!" Pyrrha says out to Jaune

Ruby lands on the ground as she starts running with one thing on her mind

"Gotta find Yang and (M/N) gotta find Yang and (M/N) gotta find Yang and (M/N) gotta fiiiind... Yaaaang!" Ruby says

"Huh I wonder where Ruby is?" (M/N) says as he continues to run

"Yaaaang, (M/N) ugh this is bad, this is really bad what if I can't them what if someone found them first there's always Jaune... he's nice he's funny I don't think he's very good in a fight, though oh what about Blake so mysterious, so calm plus she likes books well, then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her Ugh okay... who else do I know in this school there's Yang, (M/N), Jaune, Blake, and..." Ruby says as she stops and sees Weiss

Weiss turns around as Ruby is able to stop herself. Ruby amd Weiss make eye contact as Ruby smiles at her Weiss walks away.

"Wait where are you going we're supposed to be teammates." Ruby says as she looks down and kicks some dirt up with her boot

As Weiss walks into the forest she sees Jaune pinned to a tree by Pyrrha's spear.

"Ugh come on you stupid urg... come on agh." Jaune says as he tries to remove the spear from his hood he looks down and sees Weiss as he waves at her

"By no means does this make us friends." Weiss says as she drags Ruby away by her hood

"You came back!" Ruby says excitedly

"Hey, wait come back who's gonna get me down from here?" Jaune says as he watches Weiss walking away while dragging Ruby with her

"Jaune do you... have any spots left on your on your team?" Pyrrha says

"Very funny." Jaune says as he crosses his arms and looks away from Pyrrha but looks back at her and smiles

"What's the hurry?" Ruby asks as she follows behind Weiss

"I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow I swear if I get a bad grade because of your- what the." Weiss says

"I'm not slow see you don't have to worry about me!" Ruby says as she uses her speed to get infront of Weiss

"When did..." Weiss says looking behind her

"Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters you're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss and after it's all over you're gonna be like wow that Ruby girl is really really cool... and I want to be her friend." Ruby says as she wraps her arm around Weiss and then uses her speed and runs ahead of Weiss

"You may be fast, but you still excel at wasting time! Ruby?" Weiss says as the leaves around her begin to rustle as red eyes surround Weiss as she hears growling

Grimm start stepping out of the leaves and surrond Weiss as she turns and looks at them all.

"Ruby!" Weiss says in a panic voice

"Hmm man I'm bored where are the Grimm at I'm just itching for a fight!?" (M/N) says in a bored voice as Grimm are watching him from afar

As (M/N) is walking he sees the Grimm as he looks around him and sees he is surrounded by the Grimm.

"About time Alright who's first?" (M/N) asks as he cracks his knuckles

The screen goes black as the words to be continued pop up.

(Hello author here I hope you enjoyed this chapter as always please leave any tips that you have for me and if you see any mistakes pls point them out for me so I can fix it I'll see you guys in chapter 6 The Emerald Forest) :)

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