Chapter 14 Forever Fall part 2

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The scene opens up to Jaune getting pushed to the ground by Cardin.

"Oof." Jaune grunts out as he looks up at Cardin

Cardin picks Jaune up as he raises his fist and hits Jaune back down to the ground.

"You know that wasn't very smart, Jaune-y boy I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny, pieces." Cardin says as he lifts Jaune up again

"I don't care what you do to me but you are not messing with my team or my friends." Jaune says

"What, you think talk like that makes you tough you think your a big strong man now?" Cardin asks Jaune as Jaune just smirks

Cardin goes to hit Jaune again but it bets deflected by Jaune's aura as he looks at his hands and sees his aura shine. Sky kicks Jaune in the back knocking him over.

"Let's see how much of a man you really are." Cardin says as a growl is heard by them all.

Two Grimm show up sniffing the air as they look at Cardin's armor seeing the red sap.

"Those are big Ursa's" Russell says as he and his friends run away leaving Cardin and Jaune there with the two Ursa's

One of the Ursa's swipe at Cardin sending him flying as they follow where he went only wanting the red sap.

Cardin readys his mace as one of the Ursa's knock it out of his hand. Jaune looks at the two Ursa's as he decides if he should help Cardin or run away.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ruby asks as the group hear the Ursa's roaring

Ursa Ursa!!" Russell says running away with the rest of team CRDL as he runs into (M/N)

"What where!" (M/N) says holding Russell up by his shirt

"Back there it's got Cardin." Russell says

"Jaune!" Pyrrha says dropping her jar of red sap

"Yang you and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch." Ruby says as (M/N) let's Russell go and starts to run to where Cardin and Jaune are

"You two, go with them there could be more." Pyrrha says

"(M/N) where-." Ruby goes to say as she looks around for (M/N)

Cardin is seen running away from the two Ursa's as one jumps and gets in front of Cardin and slashes at him knocking him to the ground.

"Crap crap crap!" Cardin says while trying to crawl away from the two Ursa's

Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and (M/N) show up to see the two Ursa's surrounding Cardin. One of the Ursa's swipe at Cardin as Jaune blocks it with his shield as the other Ursa tries to swipe at them but (M/N) pushes the Ursa away from them.

"Wait!" Pyrrha tells Weiss as she watches Jaune slash the Ursa

The Ursa stumbles as it tries to slash at Jaune as he dodges the attack by rolling. The Ursa tries to slash at Jaune's legs as he jumps up dodging the attack again. The Ursa slashes again but this time Jaune can't dodge it as it hits him in the chest as he Flys backwards and stumbles as he gets up and charges the Ursa he jumps and tries to slash it but the Ursa moves out the way as Jaune falls to the ground.

Jaune looks at his scroll and sees his aura is in the red as he charges the Ursa and it does the same. Pyrrha watches Jaune and the Ursa get closer as she lifts her hand up and uses her semblance on Jaune's shield raising it up so it would block its attack. Jaune steady's his footing as he slashes the Ursa's head clean off.

"Uh, what." Ruby questions

"How did you..." Weiss says confused

"Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs my semblance is polarity." Pyrrha says

"Ah, you can control poles." Ruby says quietly

"No, you dunce it means she has control over magnetism. Weiss says

"Magnets are cool, too." Ruby says

Wait, where are you goi-" Weiss is cut off by the other Ursa roaring as they look over to see (M/N) rolling on the ground with cuts all over his body

"(M/N)!!" Ruby says worried

The other Ursa runs out the forest as (M/N) gets up and dodges the attack as the ursa is seen missing some of its back spikes and some teeth.

"Heh come on big guy let's end this." (M/N) says as the he and Ursa run at each other as (M/N) dodges the attack as he rams his fist into the Ursa's chest. He pulls his fist back as the Grimm falls down dead.

(M/N) falls to the ground exhausted as Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha run up to him worried.

"Hey Rosebud how you doing?" (M/N) asks as Ruby looks at the wounds all over (M/N)'s body

"What were you thinking fighting that thing all by yourself and where are your weapons?" Ruby asks

"I forgot them in the dorm." (M/N) says as he laughs but quickly regrets it as it hurts like hell

Weiss and Ruby shake their head as they help him up.

Jaune walks up to Cardin and holds his hand out for him to take as he helps Cardin up.

"Holy crap, Jaune." Cardin says

"Don't ever mess with my team, my... friends, ever again got it." Jaune says

Jaune walks away from Cardin and goes to help (M/N).

The scene changes to Jaune standing on the same roof he was on with Pyrrha and (M/N).

"No Cardin tonight I thought you two were best buds?" Pyrrha asks as she walks up to Jaune

"Pyrrha, I'm sorry I was a jerk you were only trying to be nice and I-I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-." Jaune says

"Jaune it's okay your team misses their leader, you know you should come down Ren made pancakes~ no syrup, though, you can thank Nora for that." Pyrrha says walking away

"Wait!" Jaune calls out to Pyrrha

Pyrrha turns around faces Jaune.

"I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but would you still be willing to help me to help me become a better fighter." Jaune asks

Pyrrha smirks as she walks up to Jaune and shoves him down.

"Hey!" Jaune says

"Your stance is all wrong you need to he wider and lower to the ground." Pyrrha says as she helps Jaune up "now let's try that again." Pyrrha says

The scene changes to team RWBY's dorm as (M/N) is getting stichted up.

"Ow can not be so rough!" (M/N) says as Ruby uses a cotton ball filled with medicine to clean the wounds

"Well maybe If you brought your weapons with you this wouldn't have happened." Ruby says

"What were you even thinking charging in like that?" Weiss asks

"It was in the heat of the moment ok." (M/N) says

"Well you need to be careful we know you're strong but you can't count on your strength to save you all the time," Blake says

"I know but hey now I'll have some pretty cool scars heh- ow still hurts to laugh." (M/N) says

As the last stitch is put in (M/N)'s wound he puts his shirt on and goes to lie down.

"Goodnight girls." (M/N) says

"Goodnight (M/N)." the girls say as the lights go off

The scene goes black.

(Hello everyone author here I hope you enjoyed this chapter as always please leave any tips or mistakes I have made in the chapter and I will go back and fix them as soon as I can I'll see you all in chapter 15 The Stray) :)

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