Not so brave anymore

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2 hours of non stop shopping later and finally we get a well deserved rest as Mal gets her nails done. Kim is having hers done too but with only a basic French tip that her mom hopefully won't notice. I'm not having mine done because I hate people touching my hands and I would rather take a nap on the comfy sofa instead. Although, I'm yet to get a nap as their ongoing conversation keeps me awake and alert.

"So have you got your eye on anyone Kim?" A pink blooms on the apple of her cheek, giving away that she does indeed have someone in her thoughts. "Oh my who is it?!"
"It doesn't matter, he doesn't like me back" her eyes find the white polished counter as a sad smile pulls at her lips.

"Have you asked him out?" I inject myself into the conversation. "No" she almost whispers, embarrassed. "Then there's still a chance right?" Mal looks on the brighter side, attempting to cheer Kim up with hope. "Not really"
"Oh come on who wouldn't like you" she waves a hand up and down her body and Kim blushes an even darker red if it's possible. "Him apparently" there's nothing I hate more than seeing one of my friends upset and this is just torture.

"Tell me who it is and I'll give them a knock on their head to reverse the affects of being dropped on their head as a child" Kim giggles, inspecting her nails that are freshly done.
"He wasn't dropped on his head"
"He must of been if he doesn't like you" i reason because my god is Kim one hell of a catch.
"Seriously there must be something wrong with this guy" Mal huffs, checking the one hand that is finished. "I agree, is he blind maybe?" Kim shakes her head again but smiles this time.

"Definitely not"
"Then he must just be an idiot" Mal decides at the same time she hands over the cash she owes for her fresh manicure. Kim pays after her and then I gather my things to head outside.
"I know what we can do, let's find Kim a man!" Mal squeals, clapping her hands together while Kim cringes. "No thank you" ever so nicely she declines but should know better than too, as Mal rarely takes no for an answer, if ever.

"Oh come on it'll be fun! look he's cute" she points to a guy around our age with short blonde hair and nice fashion sense. "I really don't-"
"Hey sexy" a random boy over talks Kim as he approaches us along with three other idiots. Spinning on our heels we walk off in the opposite  direction but don't make it far as my arm is grabbed and yanked back.

"I was speaking to you" he spits in my face, anger prevalent in each word he annunciates.
"Let me go" i grit out with a glare.
"That's no way to speak to a gentleman that was complimenting you" he tuts and I pull my arm again but fail to get out of his grip.
"Now why don't you and your friends come have dinner with me and my boys to make up for the rude manners you've shown us" i scoff, this boy has some nerve.

"Get your hand off of me before I do it for you myself" my threat doesn't scare him at all as he laughs in my face. "How cute, she thinks I'm scared" his boys chorus a laugh and I grind my teeth. "Let her go!" Kim shouts, pulling at his fingers that tighten painfully around my forearm.
"No one was speaking to you bitch" one of his little minions pushes her shoulder and she stumbles back. That's the last thing he should of done. Kicking my foot out I boot the idiot, still grasping me, in the balls and I am instantly freed.

Then I turn to the dickhead who dared to touch Kim. My hand flies out and lands a hard slap across his face leaving a bright red mark in its wake. "Don't you ever put your hands on a girl" I warn him before stepping back, in front of my small friend and Mal who has just slipped her phone back into her pocket. Fuck knows what she was doing but I don't really care at this point because I've got four angry dudes squaring up to me.

"You really are a stupid bitch" the one that touched me mutters as he stands up once more.
"And you really are a pathetic bastard, trying to force girls to hang out with you because no one would want to be within a metre of you on their own free will" like a dirty animal he bares his teeth and takes a menacing step forward.

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