The New Maid (Chapter 8)

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" Camila, I don't want you to be embarrassed, or shy with me.. I want you to fully express yourself. I need you to open up to me, and be straight up with your emotions, and how you feel. I love you, and all I want is for you to feel comfortable. And I want to take care of you, spoil you, give you everything your little heart desires.. So if my lady wants ice cream.. then that's what she will get.."

" What if I want ice cream from... let's say, Italy? "

" Then you better believe you will get your Italian ice cream, at whatever time of the day you want."

" Wait... I do believe that you can get me Italian ice cream, but whenever I want?"

" Yeah.. do you want it right now.. because all I have to do is make a phone call, and you bet your sweet ass you'll have Italian ice cream.."

" Well, I've always wanted to try it, its been my guilty pleasure.."

" Well, say no more.. Your wish is my command!", Lauren reached over to grab her phone, but Camila stopped her..

" Lauren, I know you can get the ice cream, but I don't want you to... You know what I really want?"

" What baby?"

" I want to fall asleep in your arms..again."

Lauren blushed, " Oh, about that night.. I'm sorry. I just felt really cold, and lonely, and you were there all warm, and I just wanted to feel your warmth on me.."

Camila gently kissed Lauren, " Shh, don't worry.. I loved the fact that you did that.. No one had ever held me that way."

" Really, no one?"

"Nope, you were my first.. in many other ways.. Like, I had never jumped off a roof, and landed inside a pool.. And I had never felt this way for anyone else.."

" You don't know how happy it makes me to hear this... you're perfect"

" No, you're perfect.", They kissed again..

" So do you want your ice cream, or not?"

" Lauren, it's 3am, all I want is to lie in bed with you, and cuddle with you, and tell you how much I love you.."

" But.. but I was starting to crave Italian ice cream." Lauren made a puppy face, and Camila had never seen anyone so adorable.

" We can get that in the morning, baby..."

" No, you're gonna get something else in the morning.. if you catch my drift.."

Camila playfully slapped her arm, " Lauren, when exactly do your parents get back?"

But Lauren was too busy kissing Camila's neck to pay attention.

" Lauren!"

" huh? What?"

" When do your parents get home, exactly?"

" Ahhh.. last time I remember, they said they'd be gone for a whole week.. so that means we have this house to ourselves for a couple more days... why the curiosity?"

" I don't know.. maybe because I wouldn't want them to randomly walk into their daughters room, and find their maid in her bed... That just doesn't make sense.."

" Sooo we can tell them I was afraid of the dark, and you were just keeping me company? "

" Knowing you, I'll probably wake up naked everyday.. so good luck with explaining that to them.."

" Wow, you do know me so well! and let's not worry about my parents right now.. Let's just worry about you, and I, and this bed.. and.."

Camila placed a finger on Laurens lips, " Let's  worry about getting some rest, it's really late!"

" It's not even 4am.. I'm still out at parties by 4am.."

Camila rolled her eyes, " Oh, well if that's where you want to be, you're more than welcome to go.. I can iron your dress for you?"

" Yeah, right... there's no place I'd rather be, than here with you.. I'm done with the party life, I'm ready to settle down with you, and fall asleep at 8am like old people do."

" Woah, Lauren.. are you always this charming?"

" I try to be.."

" Hmm, you're cute.. but I say we go to sleep, you kind of really drained me out.. I didn't even know sex was supposed to be this tiring.."

" And that was just an introduction..."

Camila couldn't help, but giggle, " Yeah, whatever!"

" Ok, baby, we can go to sleep, but under one condition.."

" What is it?"

" That... you fall asleep naked, and you have to let me spoil you tomorrow..."

" No, Lauren.. I cant let you buy me stuff, remember I'm not here for your money.."

" I know you're not, but you're my queen, and I want to treat you like one.."

" You can treat me like a queen, by just holding me tight..", Camila yawned, as she closed her eyes.

Lauren kissed Camila's forehead, " Ok, whatever you want, my love.."

She wrapped her arms around her, and soon they were sound asleep..

————————————————————————  So what happens next, do they get caught? Let's add some fire to this! thanks for reading.

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