Chapter 1: The First Day

Start from the beginning

"Alright, we better get inside before we get caught kissing on school property." He said.

"Eh, everyone's too concerned with Naruto to notice." I replied.

"Ah, haha, very funny, we still have to get to class though." Neji said.

"Got me there." I said with a giggle.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch." He replied.

We walked into school together and parted ways.

When I got to my locker, all I wanted to do was get through my first 3 periods then go to lunch so I could see everyone. No Naruto, no screeching fan girls. That was the other thing, I had to hope he wasn't in any of my classes or near my locker. I scanned the area around me, so far so good, Naruto wasn't anywhere in sight. As I was carelessly fumbling to get my things, I dropped a binder.

"Awe really?!" I yelled.

"Do you want some help with that?" Someone said.

I looked up slowly when I saw a pair of feet while I was trying to retrieve my lost papers. In front of me was a boy dressed in a black under armor sweat shirt, denim skinny jeans and black and white converses. This boy in particular just happened to be none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled.

I got to my feet and crossed my arms.

"So, you're Naruto, huh? THE Naruto Uzumaki?" I asked.

"The one and only." He replied.

"Right... So I'm just gonna get my papers and go. You should too, it's for the best." I said finishing cleaning my mess.

"Actually, I can't." He said as I put my binder away and shut my locker.

"Why the hell not?" I asked.

"Cause this is my locker." Naruto answered, pointing to the locker next to mine.

I started slamming my head against my locker.

"You've-" *slam* "gotta-" *slam* "be-" *slam* "fucking-" *slam* "kidding-" *slam* "me..." *slam*

"Woah, calm down there, are you alright?" He asked.

"Nope, bye." I said and practically escaped to my first period class.

Great... For the rest of the year... For the rest of the freaking year!!!! I can't believe this is happening! Why!? Why me!? Why couldn't I have just had a locker next to my friends?! But no! I have to have a locker next to a nightmare! Oh-hoho... Wait till I tell Neji.

I finally made it and set my stuff down on my desk. I sat and waited for the teacher to arrive, resting my head in my hand. The teacher walked into the room with someone behind her.... Oh bloody hell. I slammed my head down onto my desk.

"Class, I'm sure you all know Naruto Uzumaki, but just like you, he's a student and you need to treat him like one. Mr. Uzumaki, why don't you have a seat behind (y/n). (Y/n) raise your hand." The teacher said.

I slowly raised my hand and he walked over to the desk directly behind me. DammitDammitDammitDammitDammitDammit!!

"Hey, you're the girl who was slamming her head on her locker." Naruto said out loud, earning a few snickers from some of the girls.

I blushed.

"Yeah, thanks for remembering." I said sarcastically.

"No problem." He replied.

"Aauggh..." I slammed my head on my desk again.

"You sure like to smack your head against stuff." Naruto pointed out.

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