7. Unknown:

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Okay, what in the actual fuck did I just find?

Who could've thought a murderer, more like someone who tried to murder, would talk about her family through a Spotify playlist? I don't know if I should compliment her or call her stupid. The worst part is that she chose the songs with lyrics that I bet even a genius psycho wouldn't understand.

Meanwhile, the detectives handling her case are trying to find her diary while this Spotify playlist is right under their noses. Some people are genuinely blind. Fortunately, I am not, and she is too entertaining at this point not to try to find something out.

Fiona, what was going on in your mind while making this playlist? For a person who does seem like a genius, you certainly do stupid things that turn out to be intelligent decisions. Even if I try going through this whole playlist, I'm sure I won't understand all the shit here like you do. I want to visit you at the station to ask you all these questions, but I would rather watch you from afar. For now, at least. If I find you interesting enough, I will get on my knees and ask you to marry me. Till then, I will keep these "plans" to myself.

"Young master, dinner is ready. Madam is calling you." I get interrupted from thinking and look over to see my butler calling me for dinner.

"Go down, Oliver; I'm coming soon. Last time I checked, I remember instructing you not to come here as you please during these hours. I'm busy."

"Excuse my actions. I did not know better. I shall take my leave." My butler seems surprised by my words. He may have been by my side while growing up, but his job is to follow my rules. But reminding someone of their place once doesn't hurt. Oliver can never be like family. No matter how hard he tries, it will take me some time. I still do not trust him after all these years.

After Oliver leaves, I listen to some songs and scroll through the Spotify playlist. She has quite a unique taste. Classical, pop, rock, country, etc. It's a mix of all genres. I wonder what they mean. As I scroll through the list, a song catches my eye. Hah. I have similar tastes to her, I see.

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