Chapter 12

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The mystic grill
Alaric is on the phone with Damon near the pool table where Meredith is playing pool. Klaus and Kol are still drinking at the bar.
Alaric: Yeah, no, they're still here. Yeah, they've drank their way through half the Grill's liquor supply.
Damon: Good. It'll be easier if they're wasted.
Alaric: So, what's the plan?
Damon: Divide and conquer. First, we'll need a little blonde distraction.
Caroline enters the Grill. Alaric hangs up. Caroline and him exchange looks.
Kol: Pointing at Caroline. I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing.
Klaus: Say another word and I'll tear out your liver. Caroline!
She doesn't look happy to see him.
Caroline: Oh, it's you.
Klaus: Join us for a drink?
Caroline: Mmm, I'd rather die of thirst. But thanks.
Caroline leaves.
Klaus: Isn't she stunning?
Kol: She certainly looks good walking away from you.
Klaus: I'll take that as a challenge.
Klaus puts his drink on the counter and walks after Caroline.
Outside, Caroline has just crossed the road, and Klaus runs after Caroline, almost getting hit by a car.
Klaus: Caroline!
She stops and turns to face him.
Caroline: Are you serious? Take a hint.
She turns and walks away from him. He follows.
Klaus: Don't be angry, love. We had a little spat. I'm over it already.
Caroline: Ah, well, I'm not.
Klaus: How can I acquit myself?
She stops and turns around.
Caroline: You and your expensive jewelry and your romantic drawings can leave me alone.
Klaus: Oh, come on, take a chance, Caroline. Talk to me.
Klaus sits down on a bench that's next to him.
Klaus: Come on, get to know me. I dare you.
Caroline: Fine. She sits down next to him. So, what do you wanna talk about?
Klaus: I want to talk about you. Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life.
Caroline: Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you.
Klaus: Well, that's why I like you.

Inside the Grill, kol was drinking some alcohol when meredith came up to him
Meredith: so you are one of the original
Kol: not interested if you can't see u am married
But before she could reply Alaric stabs him with the silver dagger from the back

Rebekah suddenly cries out, dies and falls to the ground. Elena runs past her and makes her escape.

Old Witch House

Finn dies and falls to the ground.
Esther: Something's wrong.

Mystic Grill
Outside, Klaus gets up and puts his hand on his heart. He then looks at Caroline.
Caroline: What is it?
Klaus: What did you do?
Caroline: Nothing.
Klaus grabs Caroline forcefully.
Klaus: What did you do?!
Caroline: I didn't do anything. Stop it!
Klaus: Kol!
At the back of the Grill, Alaric drags Kol into an alleyway. Stefan and Damon are waiting for him.
Alaric: Here, grab him!
Damon: Tell your sexy doctor "Good work"!
Klaus rushes over and knocks Alaric against the wall. Stefan tries to attack Klaus but Klaus knocks him out too. Rebekah revives in the woods.

Klaus: I should have killed you months ago.
Damon: Do it. It's not going to stop Esther from killing you.
Klaus: What did you say about my mother?
Damon: You didn't know I was friends with your mummy? Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do.
Klaus is about to attack Damon when Elijah  and Alex appears at the top of the stairs.
Alex: STOP!
all heads turned to me and quickly I removed the dagger from kol and turned to stefan
Alex: stefan salvatore I think i told you last time that no one touch my husband and see the next sunrise but I think you didn't understand my words here
Elijah: Leave him! We still need them, Alexandria
Elijah walks down the stairs towards Damon, holding a phone.
Elijah: You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now.
Damon looks up at the clock tower and sees that it's 8:30.
Damon: You told me we had until after nine.
Elijah: I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early.

The cave

Rebekah gets up from the floor and sees Elena is missing. Elena is running throughout the tunnels, trying to escape.
Rebekah: You can't hide, Elena!
Elena trips and falls.
Rebekah: Not sure why I'm feeling under the weather. Must be your boys trying to find a loophole. Won't matter, I could chase you down on my worst day.
Elena gets up and gets to the entrance of the cave with the Native American drawings. Rebekah grabs her from behind.
Rebekah: Boo!
Elena headbutts her and jumps into the cave.
Rebekah: You little bitch!
Rebekah tries to enter the cave but can't.
Rebekah: What is this?
Elena: Sorry. No vampires allowed.
Elena turns on a flashlight and searches for an exit. Rebekah appears before her.
Rebekah: Elena! Let's pick it up where we left off.
Rebekah is holding a canister filled with gasoline. She throws some on Elena.
Elena: What are you doing?
Rebekah pours more gasoline around the rest of the cave.
Rebekah: Thought I'd shake things up a bit.
Elena: Are you insane?
Rebekah: I prefer spontaneous. It's probably why Damon likes me so much.
Rebekah throws the canister at Elena. Elena ducks in time and the canister hits the back wall instead. Rebekah pulls out a match.
Rebekah: Here's what's gonna happen.
She lights the match and throws it into the cave, starting the fire.
Rebekah: You're gonna come outside. [She lights another match and throws it into the cave, starting another fire.] Or you're going to stay in there and burn.
The fire burns itself out.
Rebekah: The next match is landing on you. So, Elena, how does it feel to know that these may be your last moments? Rebekah is recording Elena with a phone.
Elena: I don't know, you tell me. You're the one whose mother's trying to kill you.
Rebekah: You should be very careful what you say to me.
Elena: You're still wearing her necklace.
Rebekah: Do you want it? Is that your last request?
She rips the necklace off and throws it in the cave.
Rebekah: Here. It's all yours.
Elena: She's not doing this because she hates you, Rebekah. She told me that she...she just doesn't have another choice.
Rebekah: Spare me your pity, Elena. We're not girlfriends. Want me to prove it? Just say the word.
She lights another match.
Elena: You're not gonna do it.
Rebekah: And why is that?
Elena: Because there's still a chance that you might be alive tomorrow. And if that's the case and you kill me now, you'll have used up all of your revenge. Wasted it and isn't that what you want? Revenge? Because I- I pretended to like you and then I stuck a dagger in your back. I mean, that's why you slept with Damon, isn't it? That's why you're tormenting me, because I hurt your feelings.
The match burns out, Rebekah drops it.
Rebekah: The tough act doesn't suit you.
Elena: I never said I was tough. But we both know that I'm right.

Old Witch House

Finn is standing in the center of the pentagram.
Finn: They're coming, Mother!
Esther: No, it's too soon, the moon is not high enough. Go! Quickly!
Bonnie and Abby retreat into the house. Kol, Elijah,Klaus and alexwalk up.
Esther: My sons, come forward.
Finn: Stay beside me, mother.
Esther walks onto the pentagram.
Esther: It's okay. They can't enter.
Kol approaches the pentagram and the torches around it flare up bright. He's driven back.
Kol: That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn.

Esther: Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine.
Alex: don't talk talk to my husband like that you bitch
Alex steps dangerously at her
Elijah: Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity.
Esther: My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago.
Klaus: Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell.
Esther: For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time.

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