24; Ramen Romance.

Start from the beginning

And that's not something he means lightly.

She pressed her lips together, then shook her head yet again with a slight giggle. "No." She breathed out heavily, her should slumping as her lips curled downwards slightly. "I don't want to keep wallowing in misery tonight. I've had my own share already."

Aahil could see last the façade she was holding up, she is indeed trying to pretend to be well by acting all jovial and whatever. He didn't make a comment about it, she didn't even give him the chance to do so.

Because her voice came yet again, the gloomy aura from a little while ago shrugging off like it was never there to begin with. "So, tell me. Can you even cook? One can be easily deceived by how you're walking around like that as if you know your way around it."

"You know, not everyone is a terrible cook like you."

She gasped. "I am not a terrible cook!"

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Are to."

"Okay well, maybe I am, but you can't be any better." She relented, sounding so certain of herself. He can't better than her, right? Men aren't good cooks. Only in movies and books are they.

The slow curl of his lips in an ever so certain way showed she was wrong. "If it wasn't so late, I would've proved you wrong."

She scoffed. "And that ladies and gentlemen, is Aahil Tafida's way of admitting defeat. A momentous moment indeed." She stated, pretending to be a spectator or something.

She would've bruised his ego if he wasn't so sure of himself. "Next time, when it's not half last one in the morning, I'll prove you wrong. Promise."

She offered him a smile that showed se didn't believe him in the slightest. "I'll take you up on that." She wouldn't believe that until her taste buds proves her wrong.

Till then, she who can't cook something as simple as noodles, wins this round.

Amina, 1. Aahil, 0.

He simply shook his head, then chose to ask something instead. "Ramyeon meokgo gallae; Do you want to have ramyeon?" He inquired, in a casual manner simply because of the topic of discussion. "There's nothing else to prepare in a short time and it's kind of the best thing to eat at night when hunger strikes." He added casually.

Amina though had other things in mind. She'd watched way too many kdrama and has heard that one statement one too many times. One meaning instantly comes to her mind, and she would blame it all on the dramas.

Her lips slanted upwards into teasing smile, "Do you even know what that means?" She intertwined her fingers and rested her head on them, her gaze fixated on him.

She wasn't bothered in the slightest, because she doubts he means it in some other way. It has to be a simple statement, judging from how casually he'd said it.

However, she still feels like pulling his legs. It's a rare chance to get to do so.

Aahil whom had reached out to one of the cupboards to bring out the noodles looked around over his shoulders, his eyes narrowed at her. "Pabo; fool. What are you thinking of? Normal girls will be worried about having noodles at night would make them bloated in the morning." So, it seems he does know.

She pressed her lips together, then shrugged. "Nothing." She waved it off, before she could say something and end up making a fool of herself.

Luckily, he didn't push the matter further, much to her relief. He only commented, "You watch too many dramas."

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