Hugs and Kisses

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Noah :

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Noah :

She pulled away after a few moments, her head catching up with what her body had just witnessed. A both shocked and confused expression adorned her face as she looked back into my eyes, hers glimmering in a dreamy haze.

I did expect her to push me away, but some part of me wished that she didn't. Was she uncomfortable? Is this all just so wrong?

'I'm sorry.' I broke the deafening silence, supposing that an apology would be most appropriate, seeing as she looked unsettled and bewildered, looking down at she dry leaves by her feet.

'I thought we banned the s word..' Sophie's lips tipped up into the sweetest most tiny smile ever.

Her gaze returning to me, and eye contact locked. I smiled back, my enjoyment that was on pause now resuming as we looked back at each other. I stared at her beautiful facial features just a little longer before crashing my lips onto hers once again.

Sophie's lean arms laid against my chest as I intertwined my fingers into her hair. Running them through her soft golden locks. She was just so pretty, from her button nose to her big blue eyes that shine like sapphires. It was so hard to stay away from her.

Sophie broke away from me, obviously still in the moment not saying anything audible, just peacefully looking up at me. 'Thank you.' She says, blinking rapidly, her bubble bursting. Well that was awfully polite of her.

Sophie's face changes into an expression of contentment, she receded backwards sending me a toothy smile and saying "bye" before running off towards the sleeping quarters. I watched as her sunshine like silhouette disappeared in the distance within the trees.

For all I know, Henry was going to have knowledge of this within the next hour. Their so called friendship was just so indistinct I don't even know when they find the time to conspire together.

I leant back on my heel. I grin spreading across my face, realising that I finally made a move; recapping the feeling of our close proximity. I liked that.

It was so out of the ordinary for me to do this. The only intimate thing I've ever done with girls is fuck. And to be honest I'm pretty sure it doesn't classify as intimate. So yes she was my first content encounter.

I made my way back to the main building, the feeling of my lips on hers still rendering in my mind. They were so soft and pillowy, they put everyone else's to shame. Honestly, who could ignore the thought of that after such kiss?

Once I reached the general aperture, a figure that never gets old waiting for me by the entrance. 'Hello Noah. Care to tell me why you have missed the entire glacial sports consultation.' Coach's eyes widened sarcastically, his mouth thinned into one straight line. Now it was crystal clear why Sophie was in such a rush to leave. 'I went out for a walk.' It wasn't completely a lie, I did intend to go for a walk. 'Your walk lasted one hour?' Coach says bluntly, tapping his watch. 'Yes.' Stupid.

'Get yourself and your ego in here there right now before I give you an old-school-ass beating. Got me?' He pointed towards the sleeping quarters imperatively. 'You want me to go sleep?' I scoffed, slowly realising that joking in this context wasn't the best idea known to man. 'Only if you wake up less of an asshole. I want you to get your team together and organise your crap, stat!' Coach was furious at my absence, god am I glad Sophie made it back in time.

'You're being a meanie Coach.' I pouted whilst I receded in the direction of the team quarters. 'I mean it Alcocer. I don't give hugs and kisses.' Coach rolled his eyes, I recognised that he would soon whip out his "never in my thirty years of coaching" card again. Except this year it's thirty one years. Happy anniversary Coach.


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Induction Day

It was induction day, the day where everyone enjoys a night full of socialising and food. The two things I hate. I don't like meeting new people. But I've always learnt to adapt and respect others, so, maybe I could take this as an opportunity to make some new girl friends outside of school. That sounds like fun.

Pushing my negative thoughts aside.. after our kiss, and I just can't help but think about it all the time. Noah's practically been attached to me by the arm. Never staying too far away, but close enough. Over the past week he's been nothing short of kind and caring. It's sweet. I've never had someone like that before, but I'm quite enjoying it.

Skating laps around this new rink was exhausting. But I knew I had to in order to lose weight. I was six kilograms down, going over my goal; in this sense, it was a good thing. That means I'm on track in fasting. I just needed to lose a couple more in order to be pretty enough, so the other skaters don't satirise me. So I can be normal.

The Glacial Sports hall was magical, truly, the chandelier that hung onto the ceiling displayed the most mesmerising reflections amongst the retired brick walls. I loved it here! It was so much more interesting than our school. So much larger as well.

After finishing five more laps, I slip on my blade covers and step off the ice, breathless and my heart pumping faster than usual, making me feel even more tired.

I spot my current favourite person within the crowd of rustling hockey players. 'Noah!!' I call out, happy to see him again. He turns his head around, ditching his conversation to approach me. 'Are you okay?' Noah asks, grabbing his bottle of water as lifting it to my lips. I take it, ending up drinking half of it. 'I'm sorry.' I apologise, passing it back to him, feeling a tinge bit guilty for ending their discussion. 'Don't be. I'll just refill it over there.' He shrugged. 'Okay..' my voice shrunk and my throat felt dry and raspy. I rubbed the centre of my voice box trying to ease the scratchy feeling.

'Do you want warm water?' He offered apprehensively, 'No. But thank you.' I nodded, running the spot using my knuckles. 'Alright. Just give me a holler if you need anything.' I knew when he looked concerned, and that was now. But he shouldn't be at all worried about me. Im just trying to lose a couple pounds, it's not going to hurt me.

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Old Money, New LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora