"Can you pick me up?"

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Noah :

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Noah :

Yesterday, gosh, fuck yesterday, I had asked Sophie when she last ate, she had said 'I ate during breakfast. Where else would I get the bread for the ducks?' When I knew very well our school never serves toast on weekends.

Our supplier doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday. Unless it was leftover bread, or she's just blatantly lying.

This girl is a walking mystery. She shows up out of nowhere, when Brighton never accepts these mid-school applications. Something is wrong with Sophie. I just don't know what, yet.

After I 'allegedly' left to go back to my parlour. I, instead, walked around the corridor and looped back towards her door because I had one of her strawberry earrings in my pocket. Just to be met with the sound of her crying. That came as a surprise, the cause was unknown to me.

I decided to leave her alone. Give her some privacy.

But I do know that she needs support. Just not from me.

Half  Term Break

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Half  Term Break

Sophie : 

I chucked the rest of my tops into my duffel bag. Along with marshmallow and my hairbrush. Today was the beginning of half term break.

Which means everybody gets the opportunity to go home for a week or two. It is now three pm and I'm boarding a train home at four thirty. So I have about twenty minutes to do my hair and haul my bag down the stairs. The coach bus leaves in thirty, but I want to be at the start of the line so I don't have to wait.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, braiding strands of my hair quickly so I have more time to pack. Tonight I was invited to dinner with mom and her new friend, so I had to look nice for the occasion. I'm glad she's making friends. She didn't have many before, in fact she only had two.

Me and the old lady at the local supermarket.

I finished tying the mini braids with a couple elastics, and then threw the case of hair ties into my duffel bag as well.

Old Money, New LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora