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Noah :

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Noah :

"Ahh, Senior year. Isn't it just wonderful, Noah?" Ryan nudged me in the arm with his elbow.

"Well, it's my last year as hockey captain, so you tell me, is it wonderful?'" My deadline was approaching day by day. This year's hockey season, I was going to push my fucking hardest to get our team to win the championship.

Unfortunately, all of our players started slacking after we lost to Hamlet. One fucking time. Hamlet can suck ass.

"Well, I'm sure coach will find his occupation as hockey manager wonderful after you graduate," Ryan said sarcastically.

"You don't even play hockey. I wouldn't expect your very few remaining brain cells to be able to comprehend his behavior, with the very immense capacity of women they are holding already," I replied blatantly.

Sometimes I didn't understand why I'm friends with this man. Why the fuck would myself be interested in someone who is notorious for hosting communal shower parties in our school's bathroom? That's reputation impairing.

"Lighten up will you? Aren't you overjoyed that Mr. Covernest decided to renovate the ice rink? And also, can't you just buy me some brain cells with your money?" He pouted sardonically.

"You would have to undergo intense surgery for that. And even then it wouldn't be very effective."

Mr. Covernest did, in fact, commission a renovation towards the rink. And god am I thankful. Although I haven't even seen it yet, I knew it was going to be better than the shit we got last year. The ice wasn't even the right texture to skate on. The varnish tore in one swing.

Considering the amount of money my parents invested in the renovation, as well as this year's sponsor fund, I expect that it had been improved. Otherwise, I'd rather skate on a frosted lake.

The two of us leaned on the pillar by the entrance of Brighton. I watched as the other figure skaters arrived in their usual bunch, exiting their extra-large cab to fit the five. They were practically drooling over Ryan; it was so stupid. If I were them, I'd swoon for anybody but him.

He may have the looks, the charm, but deep inside laid filthy thoughts about—again—women. Well, what can I say? We all have bad habits. We're all human. Though what he describes is what his thoughts are sound quite inhumane.

"Hey guys."Henry Kingston, the junior player on the hockey team, approached us. "Hey there bud" I nodded back at him. Henry may be in junior year already, but to me, he's still a child. I tend to be nice to him as he's one of the younger players. The youngest, actually. To the rest of us, he was purified water, and we came out of the sewers.

"Coach is a little pissed. He went off on the rest of us because apparently, his dog died and his wife had—I have no idea," Henry went on then stopped abruptly after realising he had no clue about what he was saying. "Don't let him ruin your day, Hen. He's always like that."

"Do you have any other clubs that you would want to join this year, Henry?" I asked, knowing that he's probably surprised by Coach's outburst, attempting to lighten the mood. New experiences, fuckers. "Not yet. The semester just started, so hockey is what I'm sticking with right now."

I glanced back at Ryan, who seemed to be unfocused and spaced out.

I traced Ryan's gaze all the way back to twenty meters away. "Aurora Vasquez? You'vegotta be joking, man," Henry said, giving him a mixed expression. It looks like he noticed as well, seeing as we both ended up with the same result. I scanned the blue-eyed blondie. Aurora was a netball player. Ryan and the netball players share a court, so that makes sense for him at least.

"I don't particularly like her; it's just that she's not wearing a thousand layers of makeup, and I think that's natural of her." Ryan shrugged.

"Aurora is just different. And I appreciate how humble she is."

"Oh, I wonder how you would notice...could it possibly be because you pay more attention to her? Just an incy but more than usual?" Henry cooed, leaning into Ryan's side.

"Dude, stop it. I don't even like her. She's just-she's just really hot. That's it. What do you know about relationships? You're like- twelve."

"Lies, lies, and more lies. I'm not twelve I'm sixteen actually. You are definitely interested; there's nothing wrong with that. And also, what do I know about relationships? My dad remarried twice, and I wingmanned once."

"Henry, the one time you wingmanned was with me. That didn't end well," Ryan shook his head.

I've never been that committed to anyone, besides family. Of course, I fuck. But I only fuck when I want to. If I really wanted to have someone, I could. But none of the girls I spent the night with could steal my interest. It's a waste of time and energy—relationships, that is.

"Well, I have nothing to comment on this as usual. So I will see you, Henry, at practice, and hopefully, Ryan never again."

"What about you? Do you like anybody? Ohh Noah must have a little crush is that what you're not telling us?" Ryan chased after me as I walked off into the field. I had no time for his stupid charades let alone relationships and crushes. Ugh.

"Oh, come on, man. You're so boring. Here, what about her?" I proceeded to walk off as Ryan continued whining. But before I knew it, he had pushed me firmly in the back towards- oh shit.

I pummeled straight into someone, both of us landing on the concrete. Shit.

That's odd. The boys who attend Brighton aren't easily moved. That's when I realized it wasn't a boy I crashed into, but a girl. Double shit.

I got up the instant realization dawned on me, leaving her lying on the floor. I brushed the dust and lint off of me, thinking of at least ten ways to kill Ryan.

The girl stood, clutching her pink duffel bag for stabilization. She wore a brown sweater paired with a skirt that belonged to our school's uniform, as well as black leggings and warmers. She pushed her hair out of her face to reveal an unfamiliar profile. Her eyes flashed a glance at me before muttering, 'I'm sorry,' and speeding off.

Who is she? And why is it I don't know her?

A/N : yayayay new chapter, I pray that this story moves faster than my other one-
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