She couldn't wait to call Daniel and let him know that she had found Jenna. She sincerely hoped everything worked out. Otherwise, Daniel would be heartbroken.


Jenna showed up the next morning with bagels from one of their favorite bakeries. Talia hugged her tightly as she let her in.

"Where's your little one?" Jenna asked, glancing around the apartment. It was a good size for the City.

"My pup?" Talia said with a laugh, remembering Jenna's shocked expression when she'd first told her that werewolf offspring were referred to as pups. "He's sleeping. He thinks day sleep is better than night sleep. You can take a peek at him." Talia led her into her bedroom and let Jenna catch a glimpse of the sleeping baby. Her chest swelled with pride as Jenna smiled down at him. They slipped quietly out of the room.

"He's adorable, Talia! So, you met your mate?" Jenna asked, excited for her friend.

Talia smiled, and showed her a picture of herself with James. "Yes, the day you left New York. Remember I came here to bring a load of my stuff? Well, as I was leaving, I caught his scent. We didn't get back out of bed for a week," Talia said sheepishly.

Jenna looked up at her. "That's why I never heard back from you. Besides the fact that I lost my phone."

Talia nodded. "I'm sorry. I meant to come back and see you off, and I feel like an ass about it."

Jenna took her hand. "I think we both made mistakes that day," she murmured, thinking about what an idiot she'd been to leave Daniel's bed. Maybe things would be different now, and Daniel wouldn't have forgotten about her.

Both women were quiet for a moment, lost in their own thoughts.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" Talia suddenly asked, trying to find a way to bring up Daniel.

Jenna scoffed. "No way. I haven't had time. I was so busy with my mom, and I just started working at a diner. Plus, I had a baby, too."

"Shut the front door!" Talia's mouth hung open in shock. Jenna had just said she hadn't had time for anyone. How had she ended up pregnant? Unless...

Jenna pulled out her phone to show Talia the myriad of photos she had taken of Noelle. She couldn't get enough of them as she never wanted to forget her sweet little girl at this size.

Talia looked quietly through the photos. "She's adorable," she whispered, her heart aching for Daniel. How would he react when he found out Jenna had given birth? She needed to think about that.

For the next several hours, Jenna and Talia chatted about anything and everything, except Daniel. Talia knew time was running out and she needed to bring him up at some point.

She watched Jenna pace the floor, Matthew in her arms as she rocked him. "Jenna, do you ever still think about that night?" She asked as Jenna sat down in the rocking chair.

Jenna looked up in surprise. She knew exactly what Talia was talking about. "More than I'd like to admit to."

"What are your feelings?"

"I regret leaving. I wish I would have stayed. I still, for some stupid reason, miss him. He's on my mind frequently. Ugh, Talia, when you said he would ruin me for all other men, you were right," Jenna whispered. "Oh, did you ever find out who he is?"

Talia chewed on her lip as she studied Jenna. Might as well not sugar coat it. "Yes. He's the Alpha King."

"The what?"

"The Alpha King. The king of all werewolves. He's the most powerful werewolf in the world," Talia said quietly.

Jenna felt her heart crumble at Talia's words. Daniel was a king? Why in the world had he been interested in her? And now she had his child.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now