He'd called in Leon, Shane and two other pack warriors, and made sure that they wore scent neutralizers and that he was nowhere near them. Given that there was only one hotel in this tiny dump of a town, they were still staying there as well, though they'd completely avoided each other. Jason knew he was being watched, and he would fly back to Virginia tomorrow with his tail tucked between his legs like the good little wolf he was, and let his Beta and warriors stay and do his dirty work.


The moment the car doors were closed, Charity was shouting. "What is wrong with you? What was that in there? Good grief Daniel, you have been so moody for the last year, and I've rolled with it, but tonight? Tonight was the icing on your crappy cake! If you don't tell me what is going on with you, I swear I'm going to stick Mom on you!"

"Jason is a first rate tool," Daniel growled. He'd calmed down some. Jenna had been angry when Daniel had asked her to call him, but now she actually seemed much calmer, and it helped him relax for the first time that evening.

'Can we go back?' Rafe asked hopefully.

'No. I don't trust Jason,' Daniel said.

'Arrogant weasel,' Rafe muttered with annoyance. 'But you are right. He may be watching us.'

Daniel laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Charity asked, still angry with him.

Daniel could still feel her fury. Now he had two women annoyed with him. "Rafe called Jason an arrogant weasel."

"That's Solara's term for him," Charity said with a small laugh. "But you're not off the hook, Danny."

Daniel glanced at her. It was time. "Our server tonight? She's my mate."

Charity's jaw almost hit the floor. "What? Why didn't you say something? Or do something? We should go back!"

'Sister has a good idea,' Rafe said excitedly, his tail wagging.

'You know we can't,' Daniel reminded him.

Rafe growled. 'Yes, but I don't like it.'

"I can't go back. I don't need Jason to know about her," Daniel turned the car on to the road that led to their drive.

Charity was quiet for several moments, slowly putting the pieces together. "She's human."


"If Jason were to find out, he could come after her, and she's not safe until she's under our protection. Which means she will have to learn about werewolves, and what you are to her," Charity twisted her hands in her lap.

"She already knows about werewolves, and she knows that I'm one," Daniel said quietly.

"What?" Charity's jaw hit the floor for a second time. "How do you know that?"

"Her best friend is a werewolf that made the mistake of telling her. It's a long story, but suffice it to say, only her best friend, Jenna, I and now you know that, and for now, that's where it stays." Daniel gave his sister a sharp look.

"So you've met her before? Why didn't she act like she knew you?" Charity asked.

"Because we've only met once before and that was a year ago, and seeing each other tonight was a shock to both of us." Daniel turned his car onto pack lands. "And it didn't help that I pretended like I didn't know her."

"So that's why you've been so moody for the last year. Why haven't you seen her since then?"

"We met at a club in New York City. Jenna was living there at the time and she was with her friend. We ended up in bed together and she slipped out after I went to sleep. It's a long complicated story, but Jenna moved away the next day, and I've been searching for her ever since. She just disappeared. To top it all off, I was drunk when I met her, and I marked her." Daniel watched Charity's mouth fall open again. "So, this entire time, I've been experiencing her feelings, as well as my own. And Jenna is sad most of the time."

Charity reached over and took Daniel's hand. "Oh Danny, I'm so sorry. Now I understand why you've been so moody. I can't even imagine."

"Some days, it's like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. The day you had the meeting at the pack house with Jason? Jenna lost someone that day, or at least that's what Ragnar thinks. I got hit hard when I was sitting there, and that's why I got up and left. After I had some time to think about it, I remembered that Talia told me that Jenna left New York City to go take care of her mom. She had cancer. So, I really hope that's not who Jenna lost," Daniel pulled up to the pack house and put the car in park. He didn't bother to shut off the engine yet.

"Poor Jenna. Now I just want to go back and hug her. Do you think she remembers you?" Charity wrapped her arms around herself.

"She does. She was very excited and happy when she first saw me, but it just went downhill from there," Daniel sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't keep eye contact with her, and she was disappointed, then jealous."


"Of the beautiful blond I was with," Daniel smiled at Charity.

Her face turned red and she laughed. "Poor Jenna."

"And once you started mind linking me, I just closed both of you out so I could concentrate. Until we left. She was pretty angry," Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She's not the only one. Jason was a complete ass hat to her. But she smiled the entire time and seemed calm and serene." Charity wiped at a small smudge on the window.

"You're going to be out here cleaning my windows tomorrow."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "So you paid the bill. I hope you left her a fat tip."

"I did. And I gave her my business card, and mouthed at her to call me."

'Dumb' Rafe muttered.

"You did not!" She leaned forward and turned towards him. "Daniel, you're an idiot."


"You gave a girl your business card and asked her to call you after you ignored her all night? You do realize you look like you were just trying to hook up again, right? After your table treated her like crap, and you're there with another girl. I'm sure she's rushing home to call you right this second," Charity said sarcastically.

"Well what should I have done?" Daniel hadn't thought of it that way. He'd just done it spur of the moment because he didn't want to lose her again.

"Go back up there every night after Jason leaves town until you see her again, then talk to her and beg her forgiveness," Charity rolled her eyes at him. "You have no game."

"I haven't dated in a long time," he reminded her.

"She's your mate, Daniel! Of all people you don't want to screw this up with, it's her!" She glared at him in exasperation. 'What is wrong with him? Please don't let me be stupid when I find our mate,' she said to Solara.

'I will disown you if you do this kind of stupid,' Solara growled.

'You can't disown me,' Charity growled back. "What was she feeling when you said to call?"

"Angry," Daniel muttered.

"I bet," Charity said under her breath.

"So what do I do now?" Daniel asked. This night just kept getting better and better.

"Same thing I said before. Wait til Jason leaves town, then live at the diner until she reappears. Though if she finds out you're a regular, and I bet she's already been informed, she may quit," Charity frowned at him.

"Thanks Char for peeing in my cereal." Daniel turned the car off and got out. He was over this entire conversation and thinking about a night run through the woods.

'Good idea' Rafe agreed.

"Hey, what are sisters for." Charity followed him into the house. "I will help you get her back. I will go up there and become her new bff." She wrapped her arm around him as they stepped on the elevator together. "And you found your mate! Congrats!"

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now