"Dad already has orders ready he's planning to give out over breakfast," Jonah said as he headed down the steps.

"Wouldn't expect any less," Jenna giggled. She stopped as she looked down at the table. Michael and her mother were both seated, her father pouring Caroline a cup of coffee.

Tyler brought over a fresh plate of biscuits. "Morning Jenna. How are you feeling?" he asked, pulling her chair out.

Jenna sat down, reminding herself not to cry. This Christmas was going to be bittersweet. "I feel alright."

"Any more contractions?"

She rolled her eyes internally. "I had one this morning," she admitted begrudgingly.

Caroline reached over and squeezed her had, and Jenna smiled at her. Between herself and Caroline, Tyler was in his medical glory.

"I'm alright, Tyler. Just starving," she glared at him pointedly, and he sat down, smiling sheepishly.

Jonah joined them as soon as he finished rearranging the packages under the tree, discreetly shaking a few that didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the family.

Bowls began to be handed around the table as each family member fixed their plate and carried on conversation. Jenna smiled happily as Caroline handed her a bowl of southern gravy. She'd missed meals like this when she lived in New York. She wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

As everyone finished up their breakfast, Mitch suddenly tapped his coffee cup with his knife and the table quieted down, all eyes on him.

He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, and his readers off the top of his head, placing them back over his nose. "Okay, listen up. Tyler, I want you to go over dinner for tomorrow, and make sure we have everything we need. Make a list and check it twice. Jenna, same for you and the pies you're planning to bake today. I would like the list of any missing ingredients by eleven hundred hours. Michael and I will depart to town to recover anything we still need.

Jonah, you will help Jenna get the rest of the gifts under the tree. And by help, I mean you will do all of the work. This will be a difficult mission as there is not much room left for gifts," Mitch glanced over the top of his readers at his middle son.

"Sir, yes Sir," Jonah sat up straighter in his chair. "I believe I can make it work, Sir!"

"Good. While we are on our mission, Tyler will be on KP duty. Your job will be to serve lunch and then prep the area for tomorrow. Michael, you will be ordering and picking up pizza around sixteen hundred hours. You will also help out as needed.

Jenna and Caroline, you will be supervising this morning's activities from the comfort of the living room. You will both be sure to get in a nap today, preferably after lunch," Mitch stopped and looked at the two most important women in his life. He softened his tone. "I just want you both well rested for tomorrow and not to overdo it for today." He squeezed Caroline's hand.

"I, for one, am not going to complain about a nap later," Jenna muttered, then grimaced as another contraction hit her. The whole table looked at her and she felt a hand grab each of hers. She held them tightly until the contraction passed, then breathed out. "Okay. Continue."

Mitch studied her for a moment. "Jenna, you can start your pies after you eat dinner, though if you would like, I will help you make them."

She looked at him in surprise, and nodded. "Okay."

"Christmas music will be played throughout the day. Caroline, you're in charge of that along with hot cocoa, and then we will start Christmas movies around sixteen hundred hours with the pizza. Jonah, I expect you to keep a fire going in the fireplace." Mitch paused and looked around at his family. "You all have your orders. Dismissed!"

Everyone got up from the table, though Jenna remained seated, planning out her day. Her father's "orders" just followed what their traditional Christmas had always been and it warmed her hurt. He had just placed most of the responsibility on her brothers instead of her and her mother.

She would make sure she had everything she needed for her pies, give the list of missing ingredients to Tyler, then go upstairs to take a shower. After, she'd come back down and relax on the couch for a bit. She would need a nap too. While her mind rebelled against the idea, her body wholeheartedly agreed. Plus, she had a busy afternoon and evening planned. She had pies to bake, and she wanted to make candy for her father after he went to bed. It was one of her gifts to him.

Tyler picked up her empty plate and sat the family cookbook down in front of her. "Find your pie recipes and read off the ingredients to me," he said. "I'll make sure we have everything for you."

Jenna gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks Tyler." She began flipping through the pages, looking for the pies she wanted to make.

"Are you going to accept Dad's help?" Tyler asked as he loaded the dishwasher. Soft strands of Christmas music began to fill the house.

"Probably," she admitted, stopping at her first recipe for Dutch apple pie.

"Okay. I know I sound like a broken record, but please don't overdo it. I have a feeling Little Miss is going to be making an appearance quite soon." He closed the dishwasher door and flipped it on, then came over to wipe off the table.

"I hope so," Jenna groaned. "But I'll be alright. I don't really have the energy to overdo it."

Tyler dried off the table, grabbed a notepad and sat down across from her. "Let's work on your list so you can go take a shower."

"Are you calling me stinky?" She teased.

He laughed and grabbed his nose. "Maybe?"

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now