"If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector," Anakin voiced his concerns for the Republic. His eyes sought mine for support, and I couldn't deny the spark of admiration and longing that passed between us.

"I agree, Master. We need to fight for the Republic, not run from it," I affirmed, earning a thankful look from Anakin. Ashoka, caught in the crossfire of our unspoken connection, cast suspicious glances our way.

"And that is your problem," Obi-Wan sighed, his wisdom casting a shadow on our decision.

"Master Kenobi is right," Ashoka chimed in, shocking me. Anakin shifted uncomfortably, displeased that Ashoka was aligning with Obi-Wan. "We should regroup. We don't stand a chance against—"

"Ashoka," Anakin glared at her, but she continued despite his disapproval.

"Suicide is not the Jedi way, Master," she pleaded with him, her eyes darting to me for support. I sighed, looking away, torn between my loyalties.

"You should listen to your Padawan," Obi-Wan suggested, and I shot him a stern glare, silently urging him not to fuel this debate. He acquiesced, falling silent.

"As you listened to yours, old Master?" Anakin retorted. "No, we are going to stay and fight, and I think I know how to beat Grievous at his own game."

Curiosity piqued, I moved closer to the table, standing beside Anakin. He "accidentally" inched closer to me, his leg brushing against mine. I watched him intently as he unveiled the mission plan, his passion and confidence contagious. His presence was undeniably alluring, and I found myself growing increasingly agitated with Obi-Wan for interrupting our morning, yet grateful, as his timing may have saved us from a dire fate at the hands of Grievous.

As we made our way to the ships, I rallied the troops, delivering a pep talk to boost their morale for the impending mission. "May the Force be with you," I said to them all, and they saluted me before dispersing to their designated ships. I hurried over to Anakin's ship as he prepared to gear up. Tapping his shoulder lightly, he turned to me, already wearing a playful smile that betrayed his earlier frustration at leaving our warm bed.

"Need something?" he teased, and I tilted my head, locking eyes with him.

"Only you," I replied softly, causing a charming flush to spread across his cheeks. I moved closer to him, pretending to adjust his dashboard, my lips brushing against his ear as I whispered, "If we survive, I'm going to finish what you started this morning." My hand trailed over his leg, and I checked to ensure no prying eyes were watching. I heard him gulp and pulled back, seeing him fixated on my lips, his cheeks now a deeper shade of crimson. Mission accomplished. I chuckled before stepping away. "Until later, Skyguy," I winked, heading off to my ship.

"General Ken, ready for takeoff," I announced over the comms, confirming my readiness. We received the all-clear signal and soared into the vastness of space, prepared to fight to protect our legacy.

"Gold Squadron, tighten formation," Anakin's voice commanded over the comms, and I obediently adjusted my position in the starry expanse. "Slow approach. Let's draw them in."

My private comms channel engaged, and Anakins voice spoke softly to me, "Since we're now away from prying ears, how rude of you, General, to walk away from me like that." His words evoked a warm feeling within me.

"Shhh, not now, Captain," I playfully replied, a smile gracing my lips. "We're about to go into battle. You wouldn't want me to get distracted, would you?" We both laughed, and he turned his comms off.

Ahead, we spotted the Separatist fleet approaching, weaving through the asteroid field that shielded the Republic base. Drawing closer and closer to us, they were entirely focused on their target. "They're right on top of us. Should we commence firing?" a clone's voice crackled through the speaker, and I felt a surge of nerves.

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