~~32: BOYNEXTDOOR TAESAN - Too Far Pt.2~~

Start from the beginning

Surprised I didn't collapse right after getting up, Jesus Christ.

"Oh and by the way, you might wanna check your chats with y/n." Leehan said, causing me to choke on my water and speedwalk over to get my phone, whipping up my chat with y/n as fast as I possibly could. I took a look at what exactly it was that could be so special..
"Oh you have got to be kidding me" I expressed as j put my hand over my mouth.


pleasr dont ignire me fprever
I primise I cqn exokain evertthinf

pls y/n I j donr wqnt to give up
on u

omg taesan u must be
drunk as hell

get some rest then look back
at this and ull realise that ur
j talking nonsense

ni I promuse I mesn evrry word

yeah yeah

After reading that I threw myself back onto the sofa and slapped my face into my hands, simply not believing my eyes.
"I have to fix all of this."


meet me outside my house in

please I just want to clear things
up with you for good I promise

After I sent the messages I went to brush my teeth and get changed, and then I checked my phone, not seeing any response from y/n. That's when I saw that she'd left me on read.

When it was time, I went outside but I didn't see her.

God, I just hope she still shows up.

y/n's POV
I was just chilling with Kazuha until I get a text message. From fucking Taesan. I braced myself before looking and couldn't believe what I saw.
"Does this guy not get the hint?!" I yelled out of pure rage and threw my phone to the other side of the sofa, watching it bounce onto the floor.
Kazuha picked up my phone and explored what I was raging at so much.
"y/n I'm gonna be honest with you, I think you should just go. See what he wants. He seems pretty sincere in this, I doubt he's lying." she said to me all while handing me my phone back.
"Really Zuha?"
"Yes y/n, really. If he does however happen to pull out some shit then you know what to do." she deadass said to me.
I looked at her for a couple seconds in consideration.

Maybe she's right. To be honest, that is usually the case. He might actually be telling the truth, for once in his life. I want to get it over with too.. Okay fine.

"Fine" I said.
"You know this will be best for both of you. To just talk it out. And remember, I've always got your back no matter what." she said to me softly. What more could you ask for in a best friend, I mean seriously?
"Thanks Zuha, I appreciate you so much." I said and gave her a hug. I then got up and put on a cardigan and a pair of white shoes. I decided that since I had time, and I also wanted to clear my head and think about what to say before I get there, I decided to walk. It's not that far anyway.

"Okay I'll see you later, love you" I said to Kazuha.
"Love you too, good luck." she said.

Before actually heading there I popped into my own house to let my mum know I won't be coming home for another couple hours and also just checking up on her.

I then went on my way and was deep in my thoughts. It felt like the blink of an eye when I got there, already seeing Taesan standing outside his gate.
"y/n" he said as I stopped Infront of him.
"Taesan" I said back emotionlessly.

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