The New Maid (Chapter 6)

Start from the beginning

Camila could hear Lauren's soft sobs from behind her door.. she wanted to open that door, she wanted to comfort her, but she was afraid. Afraid of what she was feeling for the green eyed girl, and she knew it was wrong.

After a few minutes of tears, Lauren figured Camila wasn't going to open the door. So she stood up, and walked back to her room. All along, she held her broken heart because once again she was alone.

No one ever truly understood Lauren. She wasn't the bad ass she portrayed. She was just afraid of ending up alone, and as she lied on her bed that night, something inside of her changed. Lauren hated herself for making Camila uncomfortable. She hated herself for confessing her feelings. She hated herself so much that night.. she had ruined the only pure friendship she ever had.

The next morning Camila woke up at exactly 5am. She began with sweeping the floor, and doing some laundry. She felt horrible, and knew that she would eventually have to face Lauren again. But the clock struck 3 in the afternoon, and there was no sight of Lauren. Camila couldn't help, and feel worried, but she figured the girl needed her space, and that she probably hated her guts.

She did more chores around the house, since she hadn't been able to do anything since Lauren always wanted to hang out, and eat out. The young maid couldn't help to shake the feeling off; she missed Lauren. She missed the way she would joke around with her, but Camila knew that staying away from her was best.

It was 9pm, and there was still not a trace of Lauren in the house. Camila figured she'd go up to her room just to check on her, but once she opened the door, she realized Lauren wasn't even there.

" Where can she be?", Camila asked herself, and she couldn't admit that she cared.

Camila had the house to herself the entire day, the only good thing about that is that she got everything done, and by 11pm she had become too exhausted to wait for Lauren..

Camila got into the shower, and couldn't help to think about her kiss with Lauren.. No one had ever kissed her that way.. actually no one had ever kissed her at all. She got into bed, and she noticed that the moon was shining really bright, brighter than usual. She stepped out into the balcony to look at the stars, she closed her eyes, as a tender smile appeared on her face when she remembered the kiss, once again. As she stood there, she noticed Laurens car pull into the drive-way.

Lauren was blasting music so loud, she was sure the neighbors would call the cops on her. She stepped out of the car, but she wasn't alone...  A petite girl with shoulder length hair, and blonde tips, came out of the passengers seat. Camila couldn't help to notice that the girl was extremely beautiful, and she wore such gorgeous clothing.

Lauren walked up to the girl, and kissed her as she held out a bottle on her other hand. Camila couldn't believe what she was seeing.. just a few hours ago Lauren was confessing her love, yet she had her tongue down another girls throat. Camila felt like she had just been stabbed in the heart, and it was all because she couldn't admit her love for Lauren.
Her eyes watered, as she continued to look down at Lauren, and her guest. It was breaking her into pieces, and she hated the feeling.

Lauren took the girl by the hand, and entered the house. Camila figured she would just go see if Lauren was at least okay. She opened the door to her room, and made her way to the living room, but she made sure no one could see her.

Camila stood behind the giant clock the stood next to the fireplace in the living room; she tried to be as quiet as she could. Lauren stood in front of the couch as she held on to the other girl. They were still kissing, and suddenly Lauren turned to lock eyes with Camila. It was so scary how she could sense her, even in the dark.

Lauren continued looking at Camila as the other girl, kissed Laurens neck. The girl probably had no idea about the eye battle going on between the two girls because she was so drunk. It was then when Camila got a better view of the girl, and she couldn't stand there any longer.

Lauren looked away from Camila, and looked back at Kaylee, " I want to make love, it's been too damn long without you.", she was loud enough so Camila was able to hear her words.

Camila could hear every single word, and it was killing her.

Lauren didn't acknowledge Camila anymore. She just took Kaylee by the hand, and took her into her room.

Camila stood there, in silence, and she couldn't blame anyone, but herself. She walked back to her room, and began to pack her clothes in her suit case. She couldn't stand being in the same house with Lauren knowing she was with another girl. She didn't know if it was jealousy, but she felt horrible. She gathered all her stuff, as tears streamed down her face. Being in the same household with Lauren was a like a disease, and the only way to save herself was by quitting, and going back home. She needed to interact with other people besides just Lauren. She felt trapped.

And it scared her; it scared her knowing that she was capable of leaving everything, and everyone just to be with Lauren. Camila had to leave before Lauren turned into an obsession. And as much as it killed her, Lauren was already her obsession. She wanted to go up to her room, and rip the others girls face off because she knew Lauren should only be making love to her. And just the though of it, scared her.. How could Lauren make her feel this way so soon?

Camila stood at the door once more, and looked up at Laurens room.. she had to leave before Lauren found out.


so what do you think Lauren is going to do? will she chase after camila or give up on her?

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