"It appears your test results indicate that you have been poisoned. In simple terms, the results of your blood work show traces of rat poison. The levels are quite large." All I could feel in that moment was the squeeze my hand was receiving. "Hence my involvement with you now."

I couldn't believe what the doctors were telling me. My body was frozen in that moment, unable to really even process what was being said. Someone was yelling, but my mind was thousands of miles elsewhere that I was unable to make out what was even happening.

'Someone was actually trying to poison me.' Was the only thought that was stuck on repeat. 'Could this really be the work of Robert? But how?'

"Val!" I snapped out of it, shaking slightly when I felt a firm squeeze on my shoulder. I turned to my right to a worried Lyndsey staring at me, trying to obviously gather my attention. A bright light flashed before my eyes, causing me to flinch. I couldn't help but wave my hand in front of my face to push the offending light away, but actually pushing a doctors hand away harshly.

"Miss. Christopher, we need to file a police report about these findings." Another firm voice came from the man standing at the foot of my bed. "Do you have any idea who could be poisoning you or may want to?"


After a few hours, I was still in a reclusive state. I just couldn't help the anger that was running through my veins knowing this had to the be the work of Robert. Who else would seriously be trying to poison me but the man on the run for murdering my mother?

"It has to be Robert." Was the first thing that came from Randy as he entered my room. I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Sorry, I was stuck in traffic and couldn't stop thinking about this. It has to be him." Randy spat out, taking his seat next to Lyndsey who hadn't spoken much either.

"But how? I haven't seen him." My voice was hoarse now, somewhat scared to even drink anything now. Randy shook his head, pulling out notebook from his backpack. Lyndsey looked to me with a confused look before turning her attention back to the frantic boy.

"I overheard my dad at the station a bit ago, he mention that Robert was spotted getting on a flight to Paris a few weeks ago." I felt a chill slide through my body. 'He was on the same flight...?'

"How is that even possible...?" I whispered, looking down at Randy's notes he must have written while eavesdropping. He was flipping through multiple pages before yelling out an 'AHA!' which of course made Lyndsey and I both jump.

"What the hell?" Lyndsey roared, placing a hand to her chest and glaring at him. Randy rubbed the back of his neck bashfully before placing the notebook between us, pointing to a certain area. Lyndsey tried her best to read his chicken scratch but grumbled she was unable to.

"It says here that Robert used a different passport and dyed his hair..." I spoke, trying my best to read his writing but struggling. "Your penmanship is trash Randers." Randy rolled his eyes before grabbing the book back.

"Listen, he got a fake passport and followed you. But why go to such great lengths to poison you? It simply doesn't make sense. How could he even know where you were or that you would be traveling to Paris then?" I leaned back against my pillows, overwhelmed by all this information.

"Brian..." My eyes gravitated to Lyndsey then who looked as if she paled.  "This is making complete sense now." Lyndsey spoke quietly, offering a saddened glance my way as she grabbed the photo. "Is there a date on this?"

"Brian?" Randy questioned, confusion being clearly etched into his face, "The weirdo assistant you showed up with that day? What about him?"

"Lyndsey thinks that Brian was spotted with Robert in my mothers car, but I personally can't tell as my eyes aren't the best right now." I answered, watching Randy's facial expression change drastically now. He leaned back in his chair, thumb and forefinger resting on his chin as he was lost in thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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